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Tag: ministries

‘SneakyChef’ APT Slices Up Foreign Affairs With SugarGh0st

A Chinese-language advanced persistent threat (APT) has been spying on government ministries across the eastern hemisphere.The first signs of it date back to late...

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Navigating the new world disorder: Securing the Czech Republic’s future – ACE (Aerospace Central Europe)

From cyber threats to geopolitical shifts, a deep dive into modern security challenges On Monday, May 27, 2024, I attended the conference “Homeland Security and...

Russian Fighter Deal Reflects Indonesia’s Goal of a ‘Sanctions-Proof’ Economy

Indonesian Ambassador to Russia Jose Tavares confirmed last week that a $1.14 billion contract signed for the acquisition of 11 Su-35S fighter aircraft from...

UAE And China Eye Military Cooperation With J-20 (Literally) In The Background

The two countries are actively discussing the possibility of increasing their military collaboration. Interestingly, the photos shared by the UAE MoD after the visit...

ADB to Support Finance Ministers with New ASEAN Climate Finance Platform – Fintech Singapore

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is set to introduce an ASEAN Climate Finance Policy Platform, aimed at aiding finance ministers in Southeast Asia to...

IOT Solutions World Congress 2024 connects semiconductor chips to industry | IoT Now News & Reports

Essential to manufacture computers, smartphones, cars, refrigerators or any electronic device, semiconductors are critical elements in the implementation of the Internet of Things. For...

How Blockchain Can Save Our Privacy Before It Disappears – CoinCentral

This ain’t your granddaddy’s privacy battle. Times were simpler when postcards were the big privacy invasion scare.  Today, our personal privacy is under siege by...

Chinese APT ‘Earth Krahang’ Compromises 48 Gov’t Orgs on 5 Continents

A previously unidentified Chinese espionage group has managed to breach at least 70 organizations across 23 countries, including 48 in the government space, despite...

In Kern County, an abandoned church gets a second life as housing for former foster youths

OILDALE, Calif. —  The church on Oildale Drive and Minner Avenue has stood on the corner since 1954, built after an earthquake damaged the Oildale...

Royal Sense IPO Opens On 12 Mar: Know All About It Here

Royal Sense IPO description – Incorporated in 2023, Royal Sense is a supplier of high-quality goods that meet international standards required for hospitals, laboratories, institutions,...

T9L Partners with IndiaTech to Incubate 25 Early Stage Tech Startups

T9L Startup Studio has collaborated with IndiaTech, an industry body of Indian startups and investors in the tech space, to launch QUBE, an early...

Increasing access to radiotherapy: playing the long game – Physics World

<a href="https://zephyrnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/increasing-access-to-radiotherapy-playing-the-long-game-physics-world-4.jpg" data-fancybox data-src="https://zephyrnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/increasing-access-to-radiotherapy-playing-the-long-game-physics-world-4.jpg" data-caption="Built to order Elekta’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Crawley, UK, ships radiotherapy treatment systems to customers around the globe. (Courtesy:...

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