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Tag: million

How Ethereum can scale with SNARKs 101

The beginner guide I would have liked a few months ago before digging into this stuff What you’ll need: a computer science...

Superfluid Collateral in Open Finance

What happens when collateral becomes liquid? Superfluid ETH While the past year was a tough one for the public crypto markets,...

TuSimple Reaches Unicorn Status in New Funding Round

TuSimple, a self-driving truck startup running daily routes for customers in Arizona, has raised $95 million in a Series D funding round led...

The 3 Greatest Valentine’s Day Cyber Threats

Reading Time: 3 minutesValentine’s Day is a boon to restaurants, retailers, flower shops, online dating sites – and cyber hackers. That’s because consumers’ defenses...

Don’t batish your yisel: AI meets music, poetry, and adult entertainment

I’ve never had any desire to batish my yisel. I’ll go further: I can’t foresee a world in which I’d want to batish...

Chinese IoV Service Provider Zhidaohulian Completed Series A with $120 Million

Zhidaohulian(智道网联), a Chinese intelligent vehicle service provider, raised 120 million dollars in its Series A round led by...

13 major Artificial Intelligence trends to watch for in 2019

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the peculiar ability to simultaneously amaze, enthrall, leave us gasping and intimidate. The possibilities of AI are innumerable and...

Musk and Zuckerberg are fighting over whether we rule technology—or it rules us

In the public imagination, the Amish are famous for renouncing modern technology. In truth, many Amish farms hum with machines: milk vats, mechanical...

Comodo AEP Named Best Ransomware Protection in 2018 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards

Reading Time: 2 minutesComodo AEP is selected as the best ransomware protection program in 2018 cyber security excellence awards. Comodo Advanced Endpoint Protection...

37 Kickstarter Page Elements That Build Trust With Backers

You’ll want to bookmark this episode the next time you build a Kickstarter page because in it, Tyler shares 37 Kickstarter page elements...

Fifteen shades of brand: the psychology of consumer behavior

Is loyalty the same as a deep love for something? I don’t want to bring the “L” word into things but I guess...

Regulation Alphabet Soup: What are the Differences Between Regulations A, A+, CF and D?

When a company sells securities in the United States, they must comply with many state and federal laws. This article will attempt to...

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