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Tag: Mental health

6 Driving Factors Behind NLP in Healthcare

The healthcare industry is fast realizing the importance of data, collecting information from EHRs, sensors, and other sources. However, the struggle to make...

Get ready for the HODL RALLY- Barcelona Blockchain Summit

Various Blockchain events have been organized over the years and few of them have always stood out with unique aspects that can attract...

Musk and Zuckerberg are fighting over whether we rule technology—or it rules us

In the public imagination, the Amish are famous for renouncing modern technology. In truth, many Amish farms hum with machines: milk vats, mechanical...

The 7 Types of Cannabis Buyers That Will Dominate 2019

BUYERS IN THE NEW ERA OF CANNABIS CULTURE Stereotypes Are Thrown Out The Window In 2017 Cannabis and cannabis culture has been for...

13 Days of Proven Kickstarter Dead Zone Busting Strategies Begin This Week!

Get Access to 13 Days of Dead Zone Training Starting Friday October, 26 for all Patreon Patrons Starting at Just $1. or Pre-Order the Kickstarter...

New Zealand – Blockchain in Healthcare: Putting the patient in the center

The practice of providing health services is moving away from the traditional clinician centrist practice model. The prevailing line of thought revolves around...

149 – A Scholarship for Sequential Artists with Creator Becca Hillburn of NATTO Soup

Comic creator Becca Hillburn, sponsor of the National Art & Trade Tuition Opportunity, a scholarship for sequential artists of all ages interested in...

VitalHub – blockchain-based healthcare solutions provider for mental health

Toronto, Ontario-based VitalHub is a blockchain-based healthcare solutions provider. Primarily serving mental health and long-term care communities, VitalHub’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform is designed to interconnect...

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