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Tag: memes

Do you speak internet? How internet slang is changing language

The dress: is it black and blue or white and gold?In February 2015, this seemed to be the only question that needed answering....

12 Ways to Improve Climate Change Communications and Campaigns

BY MICHAEL SHANKCOMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, CARBON NEUTRAL CITIES ALLIANCE Why 12 Ms? Environmentalists have long depended on good data and sound science to determine the direction of...

I took a virtual walk in the blockchain so you don’t have to

The blockchain is a strange place. Everything including orange juice, milk, almonds, and even fridges have been “put on the blockchain.” But you...

The Truth About the Scooter Economy — An Insider’s Perspective

There is a story arc of the electric scooter market that took the world by storm in 2018, was second-guessed late in the...

Keeping your support team motivated, happy and productive

When you hear about a successful company, you often think about the charismatic CEO behind the interview, the innovative engineers behind the software,...

Social Customer Service is the new Marketing hero

Leading a marketing team comes with many responsibilities, and perhaps one of the most overlooked is making sure we’re aligned with the different...

Overwatch Team Confirms Long Wondered Question About Genji

There have been many long-wondered questions about Overwatch's lore. How did Soldier: 76 get on the outs with Overwatch? Does Talon have ulterior motives? What is the...

The mangled words of Merkel, Trump and Putin 

What do Merkel, Trump and Putin have in common? Despite monopolising our current global mindshare, there’s something else they have in common: They...

A rational take on cryptocurrencies

What they are and what they’re not. Probably.Here at Coin Sciences, we’re best known for MultiChain, a popular platform for creating and deploying...

How To Find A Weed Dealer And Types Of Marijuana Dealers

Finding a consistent dealer in your area is one of the biggest problems for a stoner in states without legal marijuana. Having a...

5 Steps To Get Started With International SEO

At this point, we all know how perilous it can be to ignore international markets, no matter what country you’re based it. While...

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