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Tag: mathematically

A Close-Up View Reveals the ‘Melting’ Point of an Infinite Graph | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIn 2008, the mathematician Oded Schramm died in a hiking accident in the Cascade mountains some 50 miles east of Seattle. Though he was...

‘A-Team’ of Math Proves a Critical Link Between Addition and Sets | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIn a randomly chosen set of numbers, addition can go wild. Add together every pair from such a set, and you’ll end up with a...

Foundational data protection for enterprise LLM acceleration with Protopia AI | Amazon Web Services

This post is written in collaboration with Balaji Chandrasekaran, Jennifer Cwagenberg and Andrew Sansom and Eiman Ebrahimi from Protopia AI. ...

A Century Later, New Math Smooths Out General Relativity | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionAlbert Einstein’s general theory of relativity has been wildly successful at describing how gravity works and how it shapes the large-scale structure of the...

Covariance vs Correlation: What’s the difference?

Table of contents In statistics, covariance and correlation are two mathematical notions. Both phrases are used to describe the relationship between two...

Detection and high-frequency monitoring of methane emission point sources using Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities | Amazon Web Services

Methane (CH4) is a major anthropogenic greenhouse gas that‘s a by-product of oil and gas extraction, coal mining, large-scale animal farming, and waste disposal,...

The Quest to Quantify Quantumness | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIt’s been more than 40 years since the physicist Richard Feynman pointed out that building computing devices based on quantum principles could unlock powers...

Echoes of Electromagnetism Found in Number Theory | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIn 2018, as he prepared to be awarded the Fields Medal, math’s highest honor, Akshay Venkatesh carried a piece of paper in his pocket....

The Deep Link Equating Math Proofs and Computer Programs | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionSome scientific discoveries matter because they reveal something new — the double helical structure of DNA, for example, or the existence of black holes....

AI in Supply Chain Management: Where AI Actually Matters

This post has already been read 655 times! AI can have a big impact in the right areas of supply chain management but there are...

A Tower of Conjectures That Rests Upon a Needle | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIn mathematics, a simple problem is often not what it seems. Earlier this summer, Quanta reported on one such problem: What is the smallest...

The Top 10 Mistakes Founders Make After $10m ARR | SaaStr

So the other day I looked back at about 25 SaaS seed investments I’d made that had scaled well past $10m-$20m and reflected on...

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