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Tag: Markets in Crypto-Assets regulation

SEC Issues Advisory vs Illegal Crypto Mining Platform | Key Points | June 19, 2024 | BitPinas

GM. Welcome back to BitPinas Key Points: easily digestible news in concise formats for easy reading. Also, the DICT ICT Summit continues today and we have...

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Crypto Exchanges And Issuers In Europe Face Transformation As Stablecoin Delistings Unfold — Insights From TradingView News – CryptoInfoNet

“`htmlA landmark decision by one of the top four global cryptocurrency exchanges to stop offering a prominent stablecoin across an entire continent has certainly...

European Nations Enact Cryptocurrency Regulations In Competition With MiCA – CryptoInfoNet

Member states of the European Union are implementing new laws to facilitate the regulation of cryptocurrencies within the bloc. Lithuania is looking to strengthen...

Rethinking Tax Collection Spain’s Move to Embrace Digital Assets

In an era where digital innovation reshapes economic landscapes, Spain stands out for its pioneering approach to taxation. The Spanish Ministry of Finance, under...

ESMA Warns MiCA Regulation Is “No Safe Haven”

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is gearing up for the implementation of the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation. This regulation marks an important...

Crypto Leaders Outline Predictions For 2024 – The Defiant

Real-world assets, AI and modular blockchain designs are popular themes that are expected to build on their momentum, while Bitcoin's dominance could continue to...

Coinbase secures virtual asset service provider status in France

Coinbase has registered to provide cryptocurrency services in France, according to an announcement from the company on Dec. 21.In an accompanying blog post, Coinbase...

AI Crypto Scam Duo Indicted for $25M Ponzi Scheme

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has indicted David Gilbert Saffron, an Australian national, and Vincent Anthony Mazzotta Jr., a resident of Los...

The third-largest French bank Introduces Euro-Pegged Stablecoin

EUR CoinVertible (EURCV), the first euro-pegged stablecoin, was released by Société Générale, the third-largest bank in France, marking a significant milestone in the banking...

LCX Releases V3 Regulated Crypto Exchange – CryptoInfoNet

Vaduz, Liechtenstein , Nov. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LCX, one of the leading regulated digital asset exchanges in Europe, announced today...

Binance Netherlands exit – Dutch Central Bank says registration failings are confidential

The details behind Binance’s failed efforts to register for a virtual asset service provider (VASP) license in the Netherlands will remain unclear due to...

MiCA is Likely Coming Into Force July 2023: Key Takeaways | National Crowdfunding & Fintech Association of Canada

Herbert Smith Freehills | May 18, 2023 MiCA is likely to enter into force in July 2023 following publication in the Official Journal, with some...

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