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Tag: marijuana

Colorado Responsible Vendor Compliance Training

MED Responsible Marijuana Vendor Training Colorado was one of the first states to legalize the medical use of marijuana and the very first state to allow recreational use in the United States. The state’s legal framework used to regulate and develop a strong cannabis economy has been replicated across the United States to establish similarly

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Marijuana Edibles: Dosage, Effects, Gummies, & Everything You Need to Know

What Are Edibles? Edibles are any food item that has been infused with cannabis, THC, CBD or cannabidiol. The potency, taste and marijuana infusion process will vary from edible to edible, so always read the labeling or ask the budtender for advice.  Edible companies have their own process and unique recipes but the end result

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Massachusetts Responsible Vendor Training

MA’s Cannabis Industry Compliance Training As a state with both legal medical and recreational marijuana, Massachusetts is leading the way with new compliance practices. On July 17, 2019 (and effective that day), the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission announced it would require all professionals in roles that directly handle or sell marijuana to complete the “Responsible

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Whole Plant Medicine: Full-Spectrum CBD vs. Broad-Spectrum CBD vs. CBD Isolates

We’ve entered the age of CBD, and for your average person, it’s a confusing one. Every store sells CBD these days, and you may already have an idea of what CBD is. It’s derived from the cannabis plant, and it does not have a high effect like recreational cannabis. Reports show that CBD can help

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Nature’s Way Rehab

We are pleased to announce the start of an opiate addiction rehab that uses medical marijuana to detox patients.

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How to twax a joint

Are you looking for a way to upgrade and boost your joint? Then twaxing might be just the thing for you. By twaxing, a hit from a joint or blunt becomes a lot more intense. Moreover, it burns more slowly, so all the fun lasts longer. But what is twaxing exactly, you probably wonder. Read on and we'll tell you everything about how to twax a joint. 

Why should you twax a joint?

Welcome to rolling a jonko 3.0. This is where all the magic happens! Maybe you didn't know, but this is what you have been looking for all your life! To twax a joint really can be a life changing event. It is a simple method to upgrade and boost your existing blunt, jonko, doobie, joint, or whatever you like to name it. Twaxing is applying a cannabis concentrate to your joint . It can also be done with a bowl or pipe. Twaxing a joint of blunt can be done in two different ways. The marijuana concentrate can be applied both on the inside as well as on the outside of the joint. When applied on the outside it is glued to the tissue/rolling paper, making it a real eye-catcher too. So, if you want to show-off big time and impress your smoke buddies, then read on quickly and learn everything about how to twax and create an awesome joint.

The great thing about twaxing is that you can put all your creativity in it. And of course, it gives an awesome buzz. After all, you add a super strong cannabis concentrate to your already existing powerful joint. The buzz this creates is fantastic and effects last long time. Do you consider yourself a newbie in the field of concentrates? Then listen. This is serious stuff. The fact that it is strong is already contained in the name "concentrate". All effective and powerful substances such as THC are extracted out of the cannabis plant and shaped into some kind of concentrate, like budder, wax, BHO or shatter. A small amount of concentrate therefore consists of many effective, mind-blowing ingredients. This goes way beyond the buzz you'll get form consuming your average cannabis nugget. Do you want to use your home-grown flower tops for packing your joints and blunts? Be sure to buy your weed seeds from a well-known, reliable seed seller. Only seeds containing good genetics grow weed plants that produce a high quality yield.

AMS - How to twax a joint

You need a cannabis concentrate to twax a joint

Cannabis concentrates provoke an uplifting effect and boost your energy. But as you know there are many different types of marijuana concentrates. BHO, Wax, Shatter, just to name a few. And all these different concentrates have a different effects on their users. So, the thing is, if you tried one concentrate, this doesn't mean you know all other concentrates and their effects as well. Different compositions, means different effects. So don't think you know concentrates if you tried only once, because there are a lot of different marijuana concentrates out there and every one of them provokes a different high. Actually, this is good news and bad news. Bad news because you always have to be a little careful because you don't know exactly what you will get and how your body and mind reacts. And good, because there is an awfully lot to explore! 

Anyway, let's see how twaxing a joint works. Let's do a short, blunt-twaxing workshop, shall we? There are actually two ways of twaxing. With one method you apply an amount of concentrate on the inside of your cannabis cigarette. And with the other method you glue the marijuana concentrate on the outside. You can read more about the advantages and disadvantages below. Every method has pros and cons. So, dive in and experiment with twaxing yourself. Always start with a low dose and only increase the dose when you are up for it. Too much intake of THC (of which there is a lot in cannabis concentrates) can have negative consequences. And we want twaxing to be a fun, positive experience, right? So use in moderation and read on to discover everything about twaxing and relaxing. 

Twaxing a joint on the inside

Legal changes and legalization have made it easier to buy cannabis concentrates. But if you can't get you hands on it where you live, there is also the option of producing it yourself. Making a cannabis concentrate is not very easy, but with a clear step-by-step plan, everyone will succeed. To produce a cannabis concentrate, kief can be used. Kief is the weed dust that stays behind in your grinder, every time you grind your weed buds. After a while of saving up you'll have a considerable amount of kief. If you have, you are able to make a concentrate out of it. The simplest way is to heat up the kief. When making hash, kief also gets heated. But as you know, the structure of hashish remains is a bit dry. For twaxing you need a more liquid concentrate, like a wax, rosin or BHO. 

Useful tips on how you can best twax a joint.

Do you want to try twaxing? The easiest way is to add a concentrate to the inside of your joint. Suppose you prefer to use a pipe (or bowl), you can put a little concentrate on top of the herbs with which you have filled your pipe (or bowl). The use of a pipe (or bowl) is useful with concentrates that are a bit drier in structure.

It then works the same as when building a normal joint. Proceed as you are used to. The only difference is that you add a cannabis concentrate of your choice to your joint before rolling it up. For example, choose dry sift, rosin or ice water hash. Spread the concentrate evenly over the (grinded) buds and roll up the joint as usual.

Do you prefer BHO? Good choice! You can break it into small pieces and spread them all over. The way you add it to your joint depends on the consistency of the concentrate in question. If it is a liquid, it is different than when it is crispy and breakable. If a concentrate is hard you can make it malleable by heating it a little. Squeeze it between your fingers, like with putty or alike, and you will see it becomes smoother and softer, so it's easier to work with. 

Twaxing a joint on the outside

Do you want maximum results and impressive looks? Then add your cannabis concentrate to the outside of your joint. Great examples of waxed joints can be found on the internet or Instagram. For the application on the outside, your concentrate must have a sticky structure, otherwise it will not glue well. For example, budder makes it difficult. Ensure binding with the rolling paper by heating the concentrate a little. It therefore sticks better. Proceed by working the concentrate in a line (type of hose shape) around the joint. This gives it a nice swirly effect. By gently pulling the canna concentrate it gets thinner. The starting point is the most important, because the concentrate must first adhere well to the paper there. If necessary, heat it with a lighter to make it softer, malleable and stickier. 

Isn't this enough for you yet? Then roll your sticky with oil-covered joint through a dryer concentrate such as kief, ice water hash or dry sieven. OMG, this really creates an extra punch on top of that already power packed joint! This will make you go highs as a kite for sure. 

Does the dry concentrate not stick well to the paper? Then heat the concentrate lightly with a lighter. Now roll the joint through the dust, or if you now sprinkle the dry concentrate over it, you will see that it will stick. 

Bear in mind that if you light the joint, the concentrate will become liquid and may drip. That's dangerous because you can burn yourself. Keep turning the joint around so the hot viscous concentrate is always on top. This prevents your concentrate from dripping off, which is both dangerous and a waste.

Are twaxing and dabbing the same?

Many cannabis concentrate users wonder if dabbing and twaxing are the same. And whether they cause the same psychoactive effects. But the comparison between twaxing and dabbing actually makes no sense. They are actually very different. Both consumption methods use concentrates, that is true, but they belong to different categories.

With dabbing you inhale a cannabis concentrate that evaporates very quickly. These concentrates that are suitable for dabbing contain little to no plant material at all. And no more solvents. But with twaxing you inhale many more different substances. All ingredients used to build the joint get burned and that provides a different experience in terms of taste, smell and effect. First, you build the joint with ground marijuana buds. Some people use hemp flour, by the way. In addition, the cannabis concentrate evaporates. And finally, the burning rolling paper also influences the entire smoking process and the taste and smell. It's just a more complex combustion.

Twaxing and dabbing therefore have different inputs. The two methods use other ingredients. The combustion temperature is also on different levels and that shouldn't be underestimated in the overall effect. Dabbing produces a purer smoke because it is only the concentrate that evaporates. You can expect a thick smoke from twaxing due to the combination of mutually reinforcing ingredients. This usually causes a more intense effect than with dabbing concentrates.

What provides the best experience - dabbing or twaxing?

This question is difficult to answer and depends completely on personal preferences. Some stoners just prefer the feeling of a good old traditional, burning joint. While other users prefer to dab, often because of the smooth smoke. So, if you like smoking, then it's probably best to twax a joint.

Twaxing can also be applied with CBD concentrates

Another advantage of twaxing a joint is that you can also use a CBD concentrate. It doesn't necessarily have to be a concentrate containing a high THC conten. Instead, you can opt for a concentrate with therapeutic properties, such as a CBD concentrate. Or what about hemp flour? With that you reap the full spectrum of cannabinoids that offer beneficial, medical effects.

Feel free to leave your comments about how to twax a joint

Do you have experience with twaxing? Or did you try it for the first time as a result of this article? You are welcome to share your experiences in the comment section below.

Cannabis Concentrates Guide: THC Oils, Hash, Wax, Shatter & Dabs

Chapter 1: Defining Cannabis Concentrates Cannabis concentrates are as diverse as they are potent. There are so many different types of concentrates, and every year there is always a new marijuana concentrate released so it’s hard to keep them all straight. From kief to oils, hashish to shatter, it can be overwhelming to consider trying

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New Location in Doylestown

Pennsylvania residents in Bucks County can now have their medical marijuana card consultations and re-certifications closer to home.

The post New Location in Doylestown appeared first on Nature's Way Medicine.

Understanding medical marijuana

There are lots of buzzes these days about what pot can do and what it can't. In many states worldwide, marijuana has two distinct forms – medical and recreational. 

In this write-up, we are going to focus on what is necessary for medical marijuana. Hang in here for fun facts that you can't get anywhere else.

Medical marijuana without psychotropic properties

You can undoubtedly nod that you have come across the term Cannabidiol (CBD). This compound, under most circumstances, lacks little to no mind-bending effects. 

The cannabis plant has two distinct species – hemp and marijuana. The hemp plant gives high CBD yields. That typically means when one takes any derivative from the hemp plant, they most undoubtedly won't get sedated.

On the contrary, marijuana plants give high levels of Tetrahydrocannabinol, the compound known for getting the users high.

When we are talking about medical marijuana without psychotropic properties in this context, we mean that the medication is rich in CBD and trace amounts of THC. 

That said, when one wants to get the medical benefits from these plants, they ought to buy CBD-dominant seeds.

The Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds company is a fantastic bank for getting a plethora of these. The strains from CBD-dominant seeds give rise to low THC levels. The percentages can rarely surpass 0.3%, which is why the patient can't get sedated after taking ganja from such plants.

Where does medical marijuana come from?

The process of coming up with medical marijuana starts with the planting of medical marijuana seeds. These seeds give medical marijuana seeds. You can get most of these from the Amsterdam Seed Company. 

When these plants get extracted, cannabinoids like THC and CBD get extracted. After that, the final product is referred to as medical marijuana. 

It has a myriad of uses which prompts us to see some.

Uses of Medical Marijuana

It is unarguable that more research needs to get done to establish what medical marijuana can do to the human body. 

The National Institute of Health reports that the usage of medical marijuana started more than 30 centuries ago. 

The patients who have over the recent past used CBD-rich medical marijuana attribute it to offer certain benefits as denoted below.

1. Alleviation of Chronic Pain

A review from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine conducted in 2018 shows that medical marijuana is indeed a practical solution when it comes to the alleviation of different forms of chronic pain. 

Medical marijuana interacts closely with the CB1 receptors in the human brain to relay signals meant to suppress any instances of pain. 

2. Reducing addiction 

This may come out as a surprise, but it shouldn't. Some people suffering from the overdependence on alcohol and opiates may get a timely solution from the usage of medical marijuana. 

3. Medical marijuana for mental disorders 

Anxiety, stress, and depression are known for being tough. That is so true, especially when it comes to the usage of pharmaceutical drugs, but the symptoms won't disappear. 

Medical marijuana assists in combatting these pain points. Its bond with the cannabinoid receptors strikes a balance between serotonin levels and the severity of the problems. 

  1. Treatment for epilepsy 

The Food and Drug Administration legalized the usage of Epidiolex as a measure to treat two different types of rare epilepsy. 

The drugs harbor CBD, making it an effective solution for treating Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet Syndromes. 

The presence of Cannabidiol in then drug means that the user won't get high. Under most circumstances, the aforementioned epileptic conditions disturb children. 

CBD in Epidiolex reportedly lowers seizures, rendering it as an effective solution. 

How to take medical marijuana 

Taking medical marijuana doesn't have to get complicated. The first step is getting in touch with a healthcare professional. 

Some doctors may be reluctant to allow you to use medical marijuana if your pain point doesn't qualify for its usage. 

Depending on your taste, you can opt to:

  • Vaporize

  • Smoke

  • Take as an edible

  • Apply topically on the skin

  • Immerse it beneath the tongue. 

The method you use to take medical marijuana determines if it reaches the body faster or slowly. For example, smoking or vaporizing it gives rapid results. Using it in the form of oil may take relatively longer since oil takes quite some time to get digested. 

Many healthcare professionals do not recommend smoking medical cannabis. Most of them lay their basis of argument on the presence of carcinogens on smoked marijuana seen to be entering the lungs.

Secondly, it is relatively hard in knowing the contents in a puff of medical grass. The patient can end up smoking over-potent weed. 

Safety concerns

However much there is quite a high number of conducted researches surrounding the usage of medical marijuana; there are some safety concerns worth raising one's curiosity. 

Heart risks

If one has a healthy heart, medical marijuana consumption can seldom exhibit any heart-related issues. In fact, it helps in enhancing the functionality of a healthy heart and reducing hypertension levels. 

A peril can, however, occur when one already has a heart problem and starts taking medical marijuana. A study published in Forensic Science International shows that there were instances of death arising from marijuana-intoxication.

The conclusion was that those with healthy hearts could use medical marijuana. However, those without got advised to shun away from the product since it can cause several temporary mishaps on the cardiovascular system. 

Driving safety concerns 

Medical marijuana is a drug. Any drug, when taken, it alters how the body functions. One can't compare medic al marijuana with alcohol.

However, as one drives, they may get some mind-boggling effects when they overdose the product. That said, it is far much better to drive when sober as opposed to when one is under the influence of a drug. 

Bottom Line

Medical marijuana is a primal compound for most users. However, the effects kick in awesomely depending on the strains from which it comes from.

If you are looking for seeds that give highly-potent medical marijuana, you can't be wrong when you contact us. We will take care of sending over the medical marijuana seeds to your convenient place. 


Marijuana and Womens Health

People, especially women, have been making use of marijuana, in terms of medical purposes for ages. However, nowadays this practice is making its way into the mainstream – with millions, if not billions, being spent on related research every single year. Here's some extremely interesting information on how everybody's favorite green plant may be able to help women at various different stages of their lives:

Ancient times

It may shock you to know – it certainly shocked me – that evidence has been found of cannabis being used for women's health dating back to about 2000 BC. During this time, women would mix weed with a wide range of other herbs to create a mix that aimed to relieve menstrual cramps. Cool, huh?

Nowadays: Cannabis and Period Pain

There is actually quite a bit of scientific research pointing to cannabis as a pain-reliever, in fact, it is used to treat the symptoms of thousands of different medical conditions all over the world. Research has also confirmed cannabis as an anti-inflammatory, another factor in diminishing pain. Interestingly for women, some experts have concluded that, when estrogen interacts with THC, pain is lessened. This means that weed might work better for women than for men at alienating painful symptoms.


This condition affects a relatively large percentage of women, affecting around 10% of us worldwide. Essentially, endometriosis is a rather painful health problem that causes the inner lining of the uterus to grow somewhere other than the uterus, inducing often severe pelvic pain, scars, and sometimes infertility. 

Unfortunately, there hasn't been a great deal of scientific research on what cannabis can do for the treatment of endometriosis, although it's a given that it can definitely help with the condition in terms of relieving pain. In fact, some surveys point to CBD oil (along with heat, yoga, and stretching) for being one of the best ways to successfully treat endometriosis. 

Scientific research definitely has a long way to go in terms of cannabis and women's health, but I'm sure that you'll agree its come along way since 2000 BC. I can only hope that more resources are funneled into the area so that cannabis can help more women much faster.

As always, 

Happy smoking ☺ 


Why Weed Companies Are Embracing Blockchain

“Hey, look at the stock!” It was a Thursday in late September in the Colorado offices of Leafbuyer technologies, a small tech...

How to Roll a Perfect Joint, Blunt or Backwood for Smoking

When it comes to smoking weed there is nothing more closely associated with the experience than a nice blunt or joint. But not all joints are rolled equally and the difference between the good and the bad is cavernous. Frankly, if you want the best smoking experience, then you need to learn how to roll

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