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Tag: marijuana reform

A Fox News Poll, Yes, That Fox News, Found Almost 70% of Americans Want to Legalize Weed, What Would the MSNBC Poll Say?

The landscape of marijuana legalization has undergone significant transformations in recent years, with a growing number of states decriminalizing or legalizing its use. A...

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Longtime NORML Activist, Others to Discuss Federal Marijuana Reform with VP

WASHINGTON, DC – Regional NORML Coordinator Chris Goldstein, along with two other Presidential marijuana pardon recipients, will be attending a discussion this Friday at the White House with...

How is the US Government Studying the Health Benefits of Cannabis? Your Instagram and Facebook Posts, No Joke!

New FDA Report Shows Marijuana Rescheduling May Come Down to Your Social Media Posts about Weed! Marijuana Moment reported a piece on FDA research that...

Cannabis Caucus Co-Chair Will Not Support Federal Rescheduling

SACRAMENTO – Rep. Barbara Lee (D) is digging in on her all-or-nothing stance on federal cannabis reform, saying she believes the potential move to...

Hawaii Makes a Push to Legalize Weed, Although Most People Would Assume Marijuana Has Been Legal in Hawaii for Decades

A rising number of measures pertaining to marijuana have been introduced by legislators in Hawaii during the current legislative session, indicating the state's intention...

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up – The DEA and Congress Are Bitching at Each Other about Rescheduling Marijuana

The consumption of marijuana has surged dramatically, with a notable instance in Michigan, where recreational use has recently been legalized. In its first year,...

Grading the Presidential Candidates on Cannabis: Joe Biden

Table of Contents Gentle readers, once again we find ourselves in a Presidential election year. Feel free to join me in tuning out the deluge...

120 Pharmacies in Georgia Applied to Sell Medical Cannabis, The DEA Says Hold My Beer and Shuts It Down

Little Five Points Pharmacy, situated in Atlanta, is among the nearly 120 independent pharmacies in Georgia that recently sought approval to distribute medical marijuana...

Rescheduling Is Not Legalization – Problems That Could Pop-Up Even if the DEA Moves Cannabis to a Schedule 3 Drug

From fervent anti-drug crusader to disconnected senior statesman to the unlikely champion of the regulated marijuana trade, President Joe Biden's public journey might still...

The 10 Most Significant Dates in Cannabis History (2024 Update)

Most people don't understand the history of cannabis, and I don't blame them. The truth of the matter is that cannabis history is quite...

Let Cannabis Legalization Be Done State-By-State with No Federal Legalization? – Republican Plot Twist for the Weed Industry

Republican senators, including the lead GOP sponsor of a bipartisan marijuana banking bill, are gearing up to introduce new legislation designed to thwart any...

John Fetterman’s Impact on the Senate: Ensuring SAFE Banking

John Fetterman's Impact on the Senate: Ensuring SAFE BankingJohn Fetterman, the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, has been making waves in the Senate with his...

We’ll Get to It When We Get to It Says Biden Administration about Marijuana Legalization Review

According to the DEA's administrator, the agency has not received a clear timeline from the Biden administration regarding the study of marijuana's federal status,...

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