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Tag: machine

The Cost of a Slot Machine

Slot machines might appear inexpensive, but the truth is they can come with a costly price tag. Read the full article to find out how much does a slot machine cost.

The post The Cost of a Slot Machine appeared first on BestCasinoSites.net.

Transient Network Launches its Second DApp CryptoPool to tap into the Price Prediction Market

Tortola, British Virgin Islands, 29th December, 2021, Transient Network, a Smart Contract Global Marketplace, has launched its second DApp CryptoPool on the Binance Smart Chain, following the successful debut of TSC-Core in November. CryptoPool will soon launch on Ethereum and HECO Chain networks as well.  The new DApp gives users the ability to create their

Hands-On Reinforcement Learning Course, Part 2

Continue your learning journey in Reinforcement Learning with this second of two part tutorial that covers the foundations of the technique with examples and Python code.

A Year in Microsoft Bugs: The Most Critical, Overlooked & Hard to Patch

Severe flaws in Microsoft Exchange and Windows Print Spooler stood out amid a wide range of vulnerabilities security teams were forced to prioritize in 2021.

Big Data Drives Office Productivity into Overdrive

Big data is playing a massive role in countless industries. It is changing the landscape of commerce as we know it. As we pointed out in the past, it is the key to business growth. We recently interviewed many entrepreneurs to understand their big data priorities. One of the most significant benefits is with office […]

The post Big Data Drives Office Productivity into Overdrive appeared first on SmartData Collective.

Is AI the Answer to Better Teamwork?

Innovative companies around the world are working on big problems, like treating cancer with mRNA vaccines and making autonomous cars safer. Addressing these complicated issues takes more than just an...

The post Is AI the Answer to Better Teamwork? appeared first on IP.com - IP Innovation and Analytics.

From sacred to profane: A brief history of Southern California’s hot springs

The geology that cursed Southern California with earthquakes also blessed it with restorative hot springs.

What Two Themes Helped Get Cannabis Legalized in So Many States So Quickly? – A PhD Paper Looks at How It Happened

The bottom line to this study is that when it comes to convincing people of anything – it’s far better to focus on creating character judgements on the opposition. Of course, in 2021, this has gone out of control. With a significant divide between “left” and “right” politics – everybody is trying to assassinate the character of the opposition and as a result are creating echo chambers.

Power highly resilient use cases with Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is the most popular and fastest cloud data warehouse, offering seamless integration with your data lake and other data sources, up to three times faster performance than any other cloud data warehouse, automated maintenance, separation of storage and compute, and up to 75% lower cost than any other cloud data warehouse. This post […]

Explainable Forecasting and Nowcasting with State-of-the-art Deep Neural Networks and Dynamic Factor Model

Review this detailed tutorial with code and revisit the decades-long old problem using a democratized and interpretable AI framework of how precisely can we anticipate the future and understand its causal factors?

Versioning Machine Learning Experiments vs Tracking Them

Learn how to improve ML reproducibility by treating experiments as code.

Ending off 2021 with a Bit of ‘Marijuana is a Gateway Drug’ Reefer Madness from Channel 12 News

No Pachter, marijuana is not for “one purpose”. Marijuana has many different purposes, “feeling good” is one of them, but many other use it for spiritual reasons, health reasons, economic motivations, creativity, etc. Cannabis is precisely there for the things he said that it isn’t there for. Cannabis does help some people sleep. Not sleeping is terrible for your health. Cannabis is there to help you develop an appetite…ask any anorexic what not eating does to the mind and body. Stress can lead to heart attacks, using cannabis to unwind at the end of a long day is a means of reducing your risk of stroke and heart attack. Couple that with some exercise – and cannabis can actually help keep you young and healthy.

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