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Tag: List

Growing old, gracefully: senior citizens in the workplace

For Eiji and Kumiko Ishikawa, the working day starts as early as 5 a.m. Having loaded the requisite equipment into their van, they...

SHA-1 deprecation – Microsoft and Mozilla propose new, earlier dates of June/July 2016 for SSL/TLS

Reading Time: 3 minutesIn light of recent research which contends that the SHA-1 hashing algorithm could be more vulnerable to attack than was...

Which Language Should I Translate First?

So, you’ve decided to start translating your website. Awesome. For most businesses, once they are profitable and firmly entrenched in the market in...

7 Smart Tricks to Make the Most of YouTube

Reading Time: 2 minutesYouTube is the world’s second largest search engine for a good reaon. From viewing all the latest viral videos to...

Comodo News: Next Version of Comodo Device Manager Rolls Out, With New Antivirus Reporting and Configuration Features

Reading Time: 1 minuteHere at Comodo, we are excited to roll out the next version of our Comodo Device Manager (CDM version 4.5)...

BitDefender Hacked

Reading Time: 1 minuteBitDefender, the well-known IT security firm, fell victim to a data breach in which hackers stole critical customer data. A...

Ending the bitcoin vs blockchain debate

Is there any value in a blockchain without a cryptocurrency? The debate has been running for a while but the past month has seen...

The State Of The Chinese Internet: How To Expand Into China Without Making A Fool Of Yourself

So, you want to expand into China? Awesome! China has a huge market and the economy is growing at a crazy rate, making...

5 Ways to Grow Your Online Business Via Translation

For years, English has been the language of international business. But it’s not necessarily staying that way.Improvements in technology and growth in developing...

Free Amazon Gift Card? Just Say No!

Reading Time: 2 minutesUpdate: check the latest version of Comodo’s free mobile security app Android users throughout North American are being text message...

Japanese, Finnish or Chinese? The 10 Hardest Languages for English Speakers to Learn

Learning a new language is never an easy thing to do. It’s literally a mind-bending challenge. But here are some ways to make...

Want $3 Million? Find Botnet Admin Evgeniy Bogachev

Reading Time: 2 minutesIt is a sign of the times that a cyber criminal makes the FBI’s top 10 most wanted list. And...

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