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Tag: lifelike

2022 in Review: the Top Five NFT Drops of the Year

Key Takeaways The NFT market experienced a slump with the rest of crypto in 2022, but some collections stood out from the pack. Yuga Labs'...

MyHeritage AI Time Machine lets you travel to the most iconic historical eras

MyHeritage, a global platform for finding your heritage, released the MyHeritage AI Time Machine, which is a cutting-edge and entertaining feature that uses text-to-image AI technology...

Invest Alongside the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s “Science and Technology Directorate” (S&T) Group recently developed something new: A robotic arm that could defuse a...

How Do VR Technologies Impact Relationships?

The term "virtual reality" (VR) refers to a computer-generated simulation that is remarkably lifelike. It stands for a fantastical world with many similarities to...

How AI Will Change the Way Video Games are Played

How AI Will Change the Way Video Games are played! The development of increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence, also called AI, is opening the door to...

Spotlight on Roblox Research

At Roblox, our researchers drive our vision to reimagine the way people come together. We have over 100 PhDs collaborating across the fundamental...

Artificial intelligence: deepfakes in the entertainment industry

June 2022 By Vejay Lalla, Adine Mitrani and Zach Harned, Fenwick, New York and Santa Monica, USA Ever since the first Terminator movie was released, we...

Architectural AR for Tomorrow’s Home Renos – Stambol

02 Aug Architectural AR for Tomorrow’s Home Renos by Stambol Does it feel like the world has gone...

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