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Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters Preview: Chaos Reigns

Launching 5th May on PC, Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters looks set to impress with its dynamic turn-based battles.

The post Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters Preview: Chaos Reigns appeared first on GameSpew.

Cappasity to Present 3D NFT for E-Commerce in March 2022


PRESS RELEASE. Cappasity’s platform will allow retailers to create immersive NFTs easily and quickly. The proprietary utility token CAPP will be used in the provision of NFT services. Cappasity lets companies create and deliver 3D/AR experiences to blur the line between online and in-store shopping. It is the first scalable and easy-to-adopt solution for complex…

The post Cappasity to Present 3D NFT for E-Commerce in March 2022 appeared first on Bitcoin News Miner.


Paweł Makowski never fails to surprise. As a visionary and activist, he is the first Pole to create his avatar that speaks 50 languages. He is the founder of UseCrypt – the first decentralized communication system eliminating middlemen between people. He invented new messenger, new cloud and e-mail, new TV and social media and his own fashion brand. But he's not planning to stop. He has just announced that he is establishing his own nation

Polish show business has recently become richer thanks to a new hero, Paweł Makowski. His friends call him “serial entrepreneur”, but he calls himself a visionary-activist. Lately he appeared at Wielka Gala Gwiazd Plejady next to Doda – and together with singer he handed out the award in one of the categories. With this event he officially started his public activity, agreeing to show his own face, and then, in subsequent stages, sharing various parts of his personal life in order to infect people with his own ideals.

  • We lost the truth somewhere between Instagram filters and cream commercials that celebrities advertise on their public profiles and claim to use. There is no credibility anymore. On Monday they use cream A, on Tuesday cream B. “Show your true self” is one of the ideas that UseScrypt Live shares – our streaming platform with no scams or enhancers. There is truth. No masks. I know how badly people need it, because we are slowly starting to live in a Matrix. Everything is coloured, staged, directed, fake. And to that I say: enough!” – says Paweł Makowski.


His Instagram, TikTok an YouTube profiles are becoming more and more popular, which seems to be confirming his words. Paweł is the first Pole to avatarize himself – and thanks to that his avatar speaks 50 languages. For Makowski there is no insurmountable obstacle in proclaiming the truth – and it's certainly not a language barrier. His dreams seem too good to come true, but instead of bringing himself down to earth, he continues to plan even more unrealistic things (for those who don't know him).


Paweł Makowski announced that he is about to establish his own nation Usecrypt Nation, and its inhabitants are characterized by very specific features. Paweł Makowski has a mission – he wants to prove that it is possible to live without the gossip, meanness, unfriendliness, jealousy, luxury, pride and other negative behavior patterns. When asked how he wants to achieve that, he replies: “Pretty normally. I'm sick of those who talk, hurt, wish bad things, do bad things, exclude socially. We cannot accept such behavior and that's about it”. 

Does Makowski want to convert people? Is it because of his zealous faith? Observers can spot a rosary on his neck.

  • No, I'm not a haunted messiah who decided to save the world and considers himself a messenger of God. It has nothing to do with faith. Atheist can be a good person, can't he? Can't a Buddhist set an example of how to behave in specific situations in order to pass a positive message and not build his strength on meanness and cuteness?” – he asks.

Paweł Makowski still believes that it is possible to live without negative emotions. 

  • I bet you've seen the “Friends” series and probably, like most of us, you find it brilliant and you still return to old episodes with sentiment. Six friends. Is any one of of them a villian? Showing deliberate meanness? Exactly… They are positive, good, honest, friendly, respectful – and both in their life and in the whole series there is no boredom. Impossible? – he asks.

Paweł Makowski is a father of four children. He laughs that sometimes he forgets to pick them up form school or kindergarden, because in the heat of the meetings and constant activity you can lost track of time really easily. But everything he does - he does for them and their future. And the future of their generation.

  • I recently read the bible for youngest to my son. Santa Claus gave it to me in 1990. Let me quote one piece: “first people did not have parents. Their mother and father was the God that created them from soil – and put life into them. They were very happy. God named the man Adam and the woman was Eve. Everything, that surrounded Adam and Eve was beautiful and good. Even the animals did not attack each other. And first people were good to one another – and they were good for the animals”. But lets skip the matter of faith, God or the fact, that I took this quote from the Bible. It doesn't matter. I paid attention to this childish, utopian description of the world because when we, adults, read it, we smile with irony, but child accepts this state of affairs as a the norm, it doesn't sense nothing that can't be real here. Child has the good, honesty and truth of those described earlier first people (from the times before they ate the forbidden fruit). Maybe all we need to do is to wake this child up in our own selves? Like: for good? – Paweł asks.

Is Makowski afraid of hatred, perceiving him as a madman and cutting him down in the country where jumping the gun is not always appreciated? 

  • No, not at all. After all: what that hatred is? I wish people could answer this question honestly in a while. Everything evil can be overcome with good and living in harmony with your personal values. And if you apply the “pay it forward” principle and pass on a good intention, thought, deed to other people, then Usecrypt Nation will rise faster than you think – he argues.


Crossout Mobile Now Out, New Battle Pass Season Kicking Off

At the end of January we told you that Crossout Mobile was gearing up to launch in a bunch more territories. And that has, indeed happened. The game... Continue reading

The post Crossout Mobile Now Out, New Battle Pass Season Kicking Off appeared first on Droid Gamers.

Best Bitcoin Calculators for Investors

Whether you want to analyze historic bitcoin returns, calculate potential bitcoin mining profitability, or simply find out how much bitcoin you can buy for $10,000, there are free-to-use online calculators that cover all these functions.

The post Best Bitcoin Calculators for Investors appeared first on Bitcoin Market Journal.

The 10 Best Battle Royale Shooters on Android 2022

The battle royale genre has gone from strength to strength on mobile over the past few years. There are games for most tastes, but especially if your tastes... Continue reading

The post The 10 Best Battle Royale Shooters on Android 2022 appeared first on Droid Gamers.

Sifu tips for busting bosses without losing years off your life

Reeling in the years Sifu is out right now for those with the deluxe edition, and launching tomorrow for everyone else....

The post Sifu tips for busting bosses without losing years off your life appeared first on Destructoid.

Do More With Less: Boosting Workplace Productivity Through Augmented Reality

AR has many useful applications in the workplace. To increase workplace productivity, companies can use AR for training, operations, and remote assistance.

New release of Quant’s blockchain gateway introduces smart contract creation

Quant, a provider of enterprise-grade interoperability for the secure exchange of information and digital assets across any network, platform, or protocol, announced newly announced a new release for its Overledger blockchain gateway, which provides interoperability between blockchains with a single API. Overledger 2.1.7 lets users create smart contracts for payments using tokenized money with an […]

The post New release of Quant’s blockchain gateway introduces smart contract creation appeared first on CryptoNinjas.

PSVR 2 Could Include Tech from the Biggest Name in Eye Tracking

Tobii, a global leader in eye-tracking, announced it’s currently in talks with Sony to include its tech in the upcoming PlayStation VR2. Tobii released a short press statement today confirming that negotiations are ongoing, additionally noting that it’s “not commenting on the financial impact of the deal at this time.” It was first revealed that […]

The post PSVR 2 Could Include Tech from the Biggest Name in Eye Tracking appeared first on Road to VR.

Guide: Sifu Guide: How to Beat Sifu – Essential Tips for This Brutal Action Game

Help, hints, and tips for Sifu.

Sifu can be an extremely difficult game, particularly in the beginning. It poses a steep learning curve from the start, and we're willing to be that just about everyone who plays it will hit a brick wall when they get to the second boss — or thereabouts.

Luckily for you, we've poured hours into Sifu and we've got borderline essential advice for those who might be having trouble. Again, Sifu can be brutal. It's a game that forces you to learn from your mistakes and go again (and again, and again) if you want to beat it.

Read the full article on pushsquare.com

Privacy-focused applications platform Aleo raises $200M

Aleo will use the funds to support developers in building applications within its private and scalable platform.

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