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Tag: Least

Vaccine Supply Chain Management in covid-19 perspective

Abstract It has been found that 27.97 million vaccines are being administered every day. But only 2.3% of people in low-income countries received...

Do Carbon Offsets Work? We Explain How and Why They Do

It’s not news that most climate scientists believe the Earth is headed toward a point of no return when it comes to human-created global...

Above the Fold: Supply Chain Logistics News (September 16, 2022)

What do you do when you’re cycling at 20 mph and a bee flies into your helmet? I never considered that question before, but at...

Software Patents After Alice: A Former USPTO Examiner’s Advice on Securing Patent Protection

This article was co-authored by former USPTO primary examiner Shawn Joseph. While many in software patent industry long feared that the reverberations left from...

BLAST’s Paris Major could herald a great new era for competitive CS

A fistful of frags in the City of Light could be just the jolt of energy to push CS:GO esports into becoming more of...

Ask Not What Will Happen In the Transportation Market Next Year

What do you think is going to happen in the transportation market next year? I get asked that question a lot this time of the...

Is the Dire side more advantageous in the Current Dota 2 Meta

Over the years, the Radiant side of the map is said to have more territorial advantage compared to the Dire side. It is well...

Best Familiars in Lords Mobile + Very Angry Video

It’s going to be really hard to determine which Familiars in Lords Mobile are actually the best. Everyone is looking for something different. Some...

203 Patent Registrations Issued to Indiana Companies and Persons in August 2022

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued the following 203 patent registrations to businesses and individuals in Indiana during August 2022, based on applications...

Why is OpenSea’ s NFTs’ Trading Volume Down 99%?

OpenSea is by far the most popular platform dedicated almost exclusively to NFT trading. With over 1 million active users, and holding some of...

Top 10 Ergonomic Fortnite Gaming Chairs in 2022

Sit down, nerds. I mean that literally. I’m going to go over the top ergonomic Fortnite gaming chairs on the market so far. While...

How Guilds Work in Lords Mobile

Guilds are undoubtedly one of the strongest elements of Lords Mobile. There many players who would have quit Lords Mobile a long time ago if...

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