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Tag: Lawyer

New AI Startups Surpass ChatGPT for Legal Solutions

We have talked a lot about some of the ways that big data helps the legal profession. But there are a lot of benefits...

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 61 with Chris Violas | Cannabiz Media

On this episode of the Cannacurio podcast, host Ed Keating sits down with Chris Violas, CEO and founder of BLAZE. Chris shares his journey...

Ethereum Advisor Hits US Government with Colossal $9.6 Billion Lawsuit

Steven Nerayoff, a prominent early advisor to the Ethereum network, has filed a $9.6 billion lawsuit against the United States government. The lawsuit, filed under the...

Tesla settles Apple engineer Autopilot fatality case

Tesla has settled an outstanding Autopilot fatality lawsuit before the case could end up before a jury, but on the condition that the settlement...

AI-Enhanced Video Banned in Washington Court Murder Case

A judge in King County Superior Court has made it illegal to introduce artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced video as evidence in court. A state judge in...

Fintech Fridays EP62: The Future of Investment Crowdfunding: Innovations, Data, and Opportunities

About NCFA Canada | Craig Asano | Apr 5, 2024 EP62 Sherwood 'Woodie' NeissApr 5, 2024: NCFA's Fintech Fridays podcast episode 62 The Future...

Can Using a Grammar Checker Set Off AI-Detection Software? – EdSurge News

Marley Stevens posted a video on TikTok last semester that she described as a public service announcement to any college student. Her message: Don’t...

Breaking news! The Executive Director asks the Grand Board if an appeal is required to allow conversion of a refused EUTM. – Kluwer Trademark...

On April 2nd, the EUIPO has publicly announced the first referral by the Executive Director to the Grand Board of Appeal pursuant to Article...

Piracy Shield: Influential Consumer Union Attempts to Break AGCOM’s Silence

To say that Italy’s much-heralded pirate IPTV blocking scheme got off to a controversial start would significantly underplay events of the past two months....

Trademark News: What you might have missed in March 2024 – Kluwer Trademark Blog

All trademark news that you might have missed last month in one convenient overview. Read up on the latest news reported by the Kluwer...

The UK Court of Appeal allows a Lidl trade mark to go a long way – Kluwer Trademark Blog

This is the first of three blog posts examining the UK Court of Appeal’s decision in the highly publicised dispute between Lidl and Tesco,...

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