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Tag: Lawyer

4 Tips for Hassle-Free Real Estate Transaction

If real estate transactions bother you then you have landed at the right place. Read on to find out 4 tips that would guarantee hassle-free real estate transactions. Every Penny Matters While purchasing property, expenses like lawyer fees, closing costs, and property taxes should never be ignored if you want a clean and hassle-free real […]

Finnegan enters German patent market with Baker McKenzie team

Germany IP boutique Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett & Dunner is opening an office in Munich in the new year, staffed with an...

German Bundesgerichtshof: Qualified geographical indications can be protected by trademark law also in the agricultural and foodstuffs sector

The German Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) has issued a landmark decision on the relationship between national trademark law and the protection of geographical indications under EU law. The case is called “Hohenloher Landschwein / Hohenloher Weiderind”, with Hohenlohe being a region in Southern Germany, and Landschwein and Weiderind translating into country pork and grazing cattle, respectively...

Trademark case: Piano Factory Group Inc. v. Schiedmayer Celesta GmbH, USA

Panel confirms that the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) need not find that a German company owned a US trademark rights to pursue a cancelation action. In denying a California piano retailer’s petition for rehearing, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has expanded on the panel’s prior decision...

Delta-8 THC and The ‘No-One-Will-Do-Anything-About-It’ Loophole

Sure, legal loopholes are pretty cool sometimes, especially when they allow us to get around laws, without actually breaking them. But other loopholes...

DEA Confirms That Synthetic Delta-8 THC is ILLEGAL, But…

In a strong showing of ‘be careful of the headline that you read’, a recent story has broken out that the DOJ confirmed...

Robo-Tripping – The Cough Syrup Psychedelic Answer to Getting High

With all the talk about upcoming psychedelic legalizations, and the beginnings of the medical psychedelics market, it’s easy to forget that some psychedelics...

Gurgle Gurgle: The History of Bongs and Waterpipes

Bongs have been one of the favorite forms for smoking cannabis and other herbs for millennia. They are also one of the oldest...

Thicket: Best Brand Name Bong on The Market

When it comes to bongs, it’s not always about a brand name. People pick up pretty glassware, or choose something from a local...

Kratom: Legal Status, And How It’s Used

As cannabis and medical psychedelics worm their way to legality, other plants are also being eyed for their medicinal benefits. Take kratom, for...

Trademark case: Simon Property Group L.P. v. Taylor, USA

A party that was voluntarily dismissed from an ordinary trademark infringement case was not the “prevailing” party and was not entitled to attorney fees under the Lanham Act or Florida law. The U.S. Court of Appeals in Atlanta has affirmed a Florida district court’s decision that a defunct bus service company that had been voluntarily dismissed from...

Rock On! Heavy Metal Testing in Vapes

The truth is, there’s a lot we don’t know about vapes. For one thing, the idea that people might get sick is often...

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