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Tag: Jobs

Taqtile Focuses on Eliminating the Skills Gap for Frontline Workers

AREA: Why don’t you start by giving us a quick history of Taqtile? Mathieu: Taqtile is backed by a team with many years of...

What is Cloud Networking?

When you have many computers in a corporation with sensitive data or captured work that needs to be viewed regularly, digital space can...

Ransomware Attacks: Why It Should Be Illegal to Pay the Ransom

For cities, states and towns, paying up is short-sighted and only makes the problem worse. When it comes to ransomware attacks on municipalities,...

What WON’T Happen in Cybersecurity in 2020

Predictions are a dime a dozen. Here are six trends that you won't be hearing about anytime soon. In many cultures, a new...

Millennium Management: Secure machine learning using Amazon SageMaker

This is a guest post from Millennium Management. In their own words, “Millennium Management is a global investment management firm, established in 1989,...

AI snatches jobs from DJs and warehouse workers, plus OpenAI and PyTorch sittin’ in a tree, AI, AI, AI for you and me

January's other AI news summarized for you... by a human... honest Roundup Let's catch you up on the latest goings on in the...

SaaStr Podcasts for the Week with Auth0 and CircleCI — January 31, 2020

Ep. 303: Eugenio Pace is the Founder & CEO @ Auth0, the startup that allows you to rapidly integrate authentication and authorization for...

The Weatherman Effect: using data to improve the customer experience

Tornadoes, or as we call them here, twisters, are a common sight in Texas. 100 years ago, when we wanted to find out...

Dementia Drivers and AI Autonomous Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider Do you know someone that seems to be progressively forgetting things and their mind...

Federal Government Adoption of AI and RPA Spreading; Bots Coming to GSA

By AI Trends Staff Surround the legacy platforms with a wrapper of automated processes, produced with a combination of AI and...

Community support: How SPEAK builds community experiences

Recently, my life has changed a bit.After 7 years of staunch independence, or at least as much independence as my cats allowed me,...

Dow Tumbles After U.S. Coronavirus Escalation Unnerves Stock Market

Coronavirus fears infected the U.S. stock market after CDC confirmed the first case of human-to-human coronavirus transmission in the domestic United States. Dow bulls...

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