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Tag: Job

Writing the perfect message to your customers

Four years ago, working on customer support in Lisbon, I would routinely get thousands upon thousands of messages every single month. Checking my...

Beyond VC: Funding Options for Early-Stage Startups

It’s that time of year when we’re all staring down the end of the December, wondering where the months have gone. This is...

What are the skills for Finance 2.0? At the Singapore Fintech Festival

Nov 7, 2017 By Huy Nguyen Trieu in Career, Startup, Startups Tags: Around Fintech in 8 hours, CFTE,...

Why Fintech is an opportunity we might not see again…

These are not my words, but those of Rob Frohwein, CEO of Kabbage. Read on to understand more about the context of the...

How to transform customer support for business excellence

Customer Support often has a bad name. And that’s strange. Because everyone who works in customer service also knows exactly what it’s like...

GE’s Predix platform bolstered by data, domain expertise

BOSTON -- CIOs looking for a digital transformation case study will find an ongoing master class at GE. With its Predix platform, which...

Your Patch Management Will be Successful Only If

Reading Time: 3 minutesThere are a few rules associated with patch management which everyone implementing these tools should know to make the most...

10 Growth Hacking Tips for Your Crowdfunding Campaign

The varied nature of crowdfunding is optimistic and naive. Crowdfunding has the power to bring dreams and ideas to the life which is...

Do You Work For A Bunch Of Hippies On A Commune?

Reading Time: 2 minutesSome people would love to work for a highly ethical company, one where trust is absolute, and everyone is treated...

Mash Patel CEO of Kurtosys

Today on FinTech Profile we are delighted to talk to Mash Patel, founder of Kurtosys, who provide digital services for asset managers. Kurtosys...

Felicia Meyerowitz Singh – Cofounder of Akoni

In the next interview in our series supporting the FinTech Growth Forum  coming up in London on September 19th, we talk to Felicia Meyerowitz...

Sakeeb Zaman of StrideUp

Hello again! Today we are back with the second interview in our FinTech Growth Forum series – this inaugural event, hosted by the Global...

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