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Tag: Job

Medical Cannabis: Seeing Through the Controversy

What is Medical Cannabis? This is simply cannabis that has been lab tested and clean of any impurities. Its used to treat a...

Finding a good read among billions of choices

With billions of books, news stories, and documents online, there’s never been a better time to be reading — if...

Should you always be honest with your customers?

It should come as no surprise that companies are constantly lying to us.In 2000, Energy Brands, a company later acquired by The Coca-Cola...

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Climate Change But Were Afraid to Ask

This post was originally produced for Forbes. Download the podcast via Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify. Dr. Katharine Hayhoe is a climate scientist...

How ShelfWatch Helps Improve Merchandising Compliance

ShelfWatch helped one of the biggest consumer goods companies in the world improve merchandising compliance by 30% across 100,000 traditional trade stores...

Founder Profile Series: Brett Reed of Cohealo

Brett is the Co-Founder & President at Cohealo, a technology company that enables hospital systems share equipment across facilities to optimize spend, accelerate...

Things Change When Providers Gather Feedback From Homeless People They Serve

This post was originally produced for Forbes. Getting customer feedback is so axiomatic that we scarcely have any interactions with a business without being...

Gratitude Isn’t Just For Family And Friends

This post was originally produced for Forbes. In what has become the most universally observed holiday in America, the vast majority of us will...

Kristina Shen

Almost every new enterprise software company today is a SaaS company, so when we started our search for a new general partner to...

How To Get Your Team Ready for AI Integration

AI integration programs such as chatbots can sometimes make our employees a little nervous. While any type of change can be scary, especially...

The Perfect Skill-Set for being a Successful Data Scientist

What if we say this is the perfect time for being a data scientist? Many job sites are increasingly posting the need for data...

Social Engineers are No Match for Artificial Intelligence

We are still in the early days of artificial intelligence, but it is quickly becoming an essential part of how organizations defend themselves....

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