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Tag: Job

The Top 10 SitePoint Guides & Tutorials of 2019

In 2019, we published hundreds of new guides, tutorials, and articles. Whether we showed you how to use new technologies and tools, or...

‘I’ve been homeless. But now my daughter and I have a brighter future’ | Alison Benjamin

For Christianah, 2020 offers the potential of a better life for her and her two-year-old daughter; one of financial stability without the threat...

AI-powered robo-dogs win hearts in Japan

Awesome, not awesome.#Awesome“Artificial intelligence can help doctors do a better job of finding breast cancer on mammograms, researchers from Google and medical centers...

A Guide to Financing a Book Through Crowdfunding

A lot of new authors now are choosing to finance their e-book and cover their expenses throughout the writing process thanks to a crowdfunding campaign. You might be wishing you could write full-time but you couldn’t leave the stability of a paying job. The good news is, due to crowdfunding, you may be able to […]

The post A Guide to Financing a Book Through Crowdfunding appeared first on Crowdsourcing Week.

Using a Real Enterprise Virtual Trainer

06 Jan Using a Real Enterprise Virtual Trainer by Stambol It’s the day you’ve been excited about...

Project cargo complexities simplified

The most important job of a freight forwarding company is to deliver the consignment on the agreed date. If the consignment is not delivered on time, it’s a loss to the receiving party. Well, some cargos’ are special and require an eye for detail and prior planning to implement the whole operation. Such special deliveries are known as ‘Project Cargo’. What’s Project Cargo? Huge equipment, high-value machinery, tanks, pumps, windmills, etc.is large and sometimes require disassembling before shipping and reassembling for delivering.  It’s a special and complex freight and need to have proper planning as it may require multi-mode, changing […]

The post Project cargo complexities simplified appeared first on 20Cube Logistics.

Pulitzer Prize Winners’ New Book Is Required Reading For Social Entrepreneurs

This post was originally produced for Forbes. Download the podcast via Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify. Pulitzer Prize Winners Nicholas Kristof and Cheryl...

Bringing artificial intelligence and MIT to middle school classrooms

In the age of Alexa, YouTube recommendations, and Spotify playlists, artificial intelligence has become a way of life, improving marketing...

Top 10 Expectations for Spatial Computing in 2020

29 Dec Top 10 Expectations for Spatial Computing in 2020 It’s that time of year. The end of another...

The Importance of Human Resources Analytics 

The human resources industry is a lot more than collecting and tracking employee information today. Over time it has evolved and gained focus...

CEO Who Led Red Cross From Brink Of Disaster Reflects On Leadership Lessons Learned

This post was originally produced for Forbes. Download the podcast via Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify. Gail McGovern, 67, became the eighth CEO...

What is Stellar? | The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Stellar is an open platform for building financial products that connect banks, people, and payment networks everywhere. Founded by an accomplished crypto entrepreneur...

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