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Tag: JeetWin Guide

Playing Poker For Free – Why Gamblers Should Play To Become Experts in Poker?

Whenever we hear about poker games, we associate the game with money. However, that isn’t always the case. There are forms of poker that you can play for free. These include freeroll tournaments and games and free online poker games.  There are plenty of websites on the internet where you can play free poker games. By all means, you may think about what a free poker game is. To put it simply, free online poker games are where you do […]

The post Playing Poker For Free – Why Gamblers Should Play To Become Experts in Poker? appeared first on JeetWin Blog.

How To Keep Time And Limit Money Bets?

Most casinos employ certain tricks to fuel your gambling addictions. If you have been to any casino, you will relate. And be sure to check the ones you might have missed in the excitement of slot machines. Some of the most popular tricks are: You will rarely come across a clock in a casino. The management wants gamblers to lose count of their time. This results in spending unlimited hours there.  They create an illusion by making you play with […]

The post How To Keep Time And Limit Money Bets? appeared first on JeetWin Blog.

Top 8 Movies About Blackjack Game

Blackjack is the most widely played casino banking game globally. The game is a descendent of the popular game of twenty-one. Blackjack has been a favorite of Hollywood and has featured heavily in many blockbusters. Since it is quite an easy game to follow on reel compared to other complex games like poker – this card game does not leave the audience scratching their heads. Head over to our list of the top 8 blackjack movies.  21 (2008) The movie […]

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Pro-Gambling Tips From Offline Gamblers That You Can Use At Online Gambling

With the constant rise of the number of internet users, online gambling has become more and more popular with time. Especially when the pandemic hit the world, gamblers were forced to gamble from their homes. A lot of online gamblers don’t know much about offline gambling at all. Even though in both the places you can choose games of your liking and try to make money off them, they are both quite different. Online casinos may make you a good […]

The post Pro-Gambling Tips From Offline Gamblers That You Can Use At Online Gambling appeared first on JeetWin Blog.

Why You Are Probably Failing To Outsmart At Poker Table?

If you are even slightly connected to the world of gambling, you’d know that Poker is not easy. Even though it is one of the most famous card games, it can be pretty complicated. One of the reasons behind this is that, unlike most other card games, you have to play poker against other players and not against the house. That is why it’s not just a game of skills but also a game of nerves. Unlike in Blackjack, where […]

The post Why You Are Probably Failing To Outsmart At Poker Table? appeared first on JeetWin Blog.

Why Do Gambling Winners Not Use Time Limits?

Gambling sometimes is a game of luck for sure. However, what factors most is learning strategies that can help you to get an edge over your game. This is mostly what sets winning gamblers apart from amateurs. Winning gamblers are players who, after stacking the results of a whole year’s games, are tipping on the winning end more than the losing one. For this, they have to maintain consistency. As in they have to be on winning streaks for most […]

The post Why Do Gambling Winners Not Use Time Limits? appeared first on JeetWin Blog.

5 Gambling Strategies that Seem Unethical But Not Wrong

Are you someone that gambles regularly? Then at some point, you might have wondered, what’s legal in gambling? What are the things that are deemed illegal? And what are some things that may seem illegal to practice, but in reality, are legal? Well, you are not alone. A lot of people in the gambling world, especially those who are new, have this question. Obviously, some practices are illegal in gambling. But a lot of the things are in reality, legal, […]

The post 5 Gambling Strategies that Seem Unethical But Not Wrong appeared first on JeetWin Blog.

Horse Racing and Elite Fashion: How are They Related?

Have you ever attended a large horse race? Or seen any of the tournaments on tv? If you have then you must have noticed that there seem to be a lot of fashion-forward people in racetracks. It does not seem to matter what kind of race these are, but most of the large tournaments feature a lot of these iconic fashionistas. But what is the reason behind this? Why did horse racing suddenly become a place for people to flaunt […]

The post Horse Racing and Elite Fashion: How are They Related? appeared first on JeetWin Blog.

Emerging Tech Trends That can Change the Online Gambling World in 2022

When the internet started in the ’90s, nobody could guess how big it was going to be. But soon enough, it took over the world. And with it came the virtualization of gambling. Since the mid-’90s, online gambling has been on a constant rise. New things make the player experience better every year. Players from all over the world are now migrating towards online casinos instead of land-based casinos. The accessibility and comfort of online casinos are unmatched. The constant […]

The post Emerging Tech Trends That can Change the Online Gambling World in 2022 appeared first on JeetWin Blog.

Online Bingo Strategy – Is There a Secret Formula?

Bingo depends a lot on luck. It is one of the purest forms of gambling. The game is the same for everyone, be it a novice or a seasoned player. People from all age groups over the world enjoy it because it is easy to play and also gives you a chance to socialize. But even though this is a game of chance, some strategies can help you secure some wins. With a game of chance like online Bingo, there […]

The post Online Bingo Strategy – Is There a Secret Formula? appeared first on JeetWin Blog.

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