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Tag: irrigation

What is IoT (Internet of Things)? | Definition from TechTarget

What is the internet of things (IoT)? The internet of things, or IoT, is a network of interrelated devices that connect and exchange data with...

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How Starbucks doubled the number of its ‘Greener Stores’ | GreenBiz

As of March, Starbucks classified almost 16 percent of its 38,587 cafes as "Greener Stores," locations that meet rigorous requirements for waste, energy and...

Satellite’s new role in smart city infrastructure  | IoT Now News & Reports

Image by FreepikSmart cities deliver significant improvements in the quality of urban life, so an important goal of the infrastructure development for...

DOCOMO Launches Japan’s First Demonstration Experiment of Self-powered Hydropower Base Station

TOKYO, May 30, 2024 - (JCN Newswire) - NTT DOCOMO, INC. announced today that it launched Japan's first demonstration experiment(1) of a self-powered hydropower...

May Is The Time to Plant Marijuana And Mums

From backyard gardens to rooftop terraces, now is the time to play chrysanthemums and cannabisSpring is here and now is the time for gardeners...

Just Say No to Pesticides on Your Weed – How to Grow Bug-Free Cannabis Plants without Using Pesticides

How To Prevent Pests In Your Homegrown Cannabis Plants Without Using Harmful Chemicals Just like every other plant, cannabis plants will also attract its fair...

What is No-Till Farming?

No-till farming incorporates principles from biology, botany, horticulture, organic farming, soil science, and traditional agriculture. This eco-friendly approach reduces greenhouse gas emissions and waste...

NEC X Invests in Agtech Startup Verdi, Integrates AI-Powered Platform with NEC’s Cropscope Smart Farming Initiative

TOKYO, May 23, 2024 - (JCN Newswire) - NEC X, the Silicon Valley innovation accelerator backed by NEC’s portfolio of advanced technologies, today announced...

Indonesia’s Collaboration on Treating Water Management

JAKARTA, May 22, 2024 - (ACN Newswire) -Water is the source of life. Its role is very essential for human life and the people's...

Greywater recycling in ecological conservation | Envirotec

This article contains paid for content produced in collaboration with Castle Water. Greywater...

Boost Your Autoflowers with the Best Organic Fertilizers | Organic Fertilizer Guide

Feeding and fertilizing your cannabis plant with the right nutrient is a requirement that cannot be overlooked. To a large extent, the harvest yield,...

Cannabis Market Growth in Latin America: Insights and Trends

Medical cannabis in Latin America:In Peru, the approval of the medicinal and therapeutic use of cannabis and its derivatives was through Law 30681 in...

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