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Tag: interface

Global DeFi Investment Summit 2021

Following the success of the Global DeFi Investment Summit that took place without any blemish at the Dusit Thani Hotel in Dubai from...

7 Significant Predictions for the Future of Voice Assistants and Artificial Intelligence

When Siri was released in 2011, no one anticipated that this novelty would become a catalyst for technological advancement. By 2023, according to...

Augmenting the Impact of Virtual Reality with a Robust Testing Strategy

Goldman Sachs, the investment banking company, envisages an $80 billion growth for the virtual reality industry by 2025. With some big, global brands...

In the Battle Against Censorship, This Project Turns the Tide on the Big Tech Monopoly

ArGoApp provides a one-stop-shop for websites and applications to deploy on a censorship-resistant blockchain with 100% uptime When it comes to freedom of speech, concerns over censorship have been gradually rising over the years, with the likes of Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple and Alibaba tightening their grip over the technology industry and forming a formidable monopoly. The situation is becoming especially grim when it comes to political speech, particularly when popular social media platforms such as Twitter are told they have a duty to remove “extremism” by the big tech monopoly that they ultimately report to. This “extremism” is often wrongly-classed and legitimate speech, but it has seen people censored, blocked and downranked, with accounts suspended or even terminated; historians, war crimes investigators, sex educators and punk musicians and more have all been in the firing line by increasingly powerful algorithms that find and take action against what they consider extremist. Thankfully, ArGoApp is utilising the power of blockchain technology, which has in recent years permeated all corners of the industry from finance to healthcare, to provide immediate access to censorship-resistant web hosting. The platform represents a step forward in a world dominated by a select few tech giants, offering developers a way to deploy websites and applications that is completely decentralized and that rids of recurring costs related to server hosting, security and storage. Providing a brighter future for free speech Built on decentralised cloud networks, ArGoApp’s web app hosting and storage aggregation platform means that users can stop relying on the expensive subscription plans that cloud provider giants dominate the industry with; users instead can benefit from access to fast website and app deployment with pre-rendered front-end web pages with flexible payment options. But ArGoApp benefits more than just developers looking to escape the clutches of big tech: with a server-less app deployment platform, anyone can build and deploy their ideas on ArGoApp with no risk of a centralized entity controlling or even taking down their site or app. During a time that sees more government and corporate control over the internet, ArGoApp provides a decentralized, uncensored, and permanent platform for the future of Web3 to be created upon. Auditable, with no downtime ArGoApp enables users and developers unfamiliar with blockchain technology to dive into a future of decentralized web and app hosting, by offering a simple and intuitive user Interface for any deployment on Arweave Protocol. By cutting out the need for additional programming knowledge, ArGoApp opens the doors for the world’s millions of developers to build and deploy a web app on the blockchain; ArGoApp works with Jamstack frameworks and users can pick from leading storage protocols including Arweave, Skynet, IPFS and more. The beauty of blockchain technology lies in that, by nature, it is completely verifiable. Blockchains are publicly accessible and, with ArGoApp, everything is fully auditable. Also in stark contrast to the recurring outages of centralized servers owned by the likes of AWS, the likes of which have cost businesses around the world millions of dollars in lost revenue, ArGoApp deploys on decentralized cloud infrastructure; this ensures zero downtime and eradicates the risk of outages. In the face of government overreach, ArGoApp serves as a beacon of hope to developers, institutions and big thinkers looking for somewhere to build, deploy and store the innovations that big tech looks to suppress. Led by an all-star team hailing from India, ArGoApp is partnered with several other blockchain businesses that aim to disrupt the world, including Polygon, Skynet, DIA and Arweave.  

Beginner’s Guide To Text Classification Using PyCaret

Introduction Have you ever solved a Machine Learning problem in just one go? Solving a problem using machine learning isn’t straightforward. It involves various steps...

Rentec Direct Gives Landlords and Property Managers Early Access to…

Rentec Direct invites landlords and property managers to experience new modern design updates in an early access Insider Program. “We...

FTC Sues Facebook Over Alleged Monopolization – What it Could Mean for Oculus

The United States Federal Trade Commission today announced it has filed an amended complaint with the U.S. District Court for the...

FinovateFall 2021 Sneak Peek: Partner HUB

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateFall on September 13-15, 2021. Register today and save your spot. Partner HUB‘s Invoice2RTP provides a...

FinovateFall 2021 Sneak Peek: interface.ai

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateFall on September 13-15, 2021. Register today and save your spot. interface.ai is the leading intelligent...

Beta Finance Audit

Beta Finance Audit - OpenZeppelin blog ...

Why Web VR/AR Experiences are Still Better than Native Apps?

So which one will you choose, cheaper, simpler, easily accessible technology which can be experienced within a few seconds-WebVR/AR or costlier, time-consuming, old-fashioned,...

Facebook Surprise-launches New VR Meeting App With Virtual Desktops and up to 50 People

Facebook today is surprise-launching a new app called Horizon Workrooms, a virtual collaboration space that connects both VR and video chat users....

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