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Tag: intelligent transportation systems

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Sustainable Smart Cities: A Journey Towards a Greener Future

In recent years, the pressing global concern for environmental sustainability has paved the way for transformative technologies in the smart city landscape. From...

How is AI Transforming the Automotive Industry?

Right now, you may be fast-forwarding to the days when flying cars will have become a reality, but there was also a time when...

Whispering algorithms of smart surroundings

Welcome to the realm of ambient intelligence (AmI), a visionary concept that transcends the boundaries of traditional computing and invites us into a realm...

Radisys debuts Release 17 compliant 5G NR solution

Radisys Corporation, a provider of open telecom solutions, has announced its Release 17 compliant 5G NR software solution, extending its...

5 Applications of Computer Vision

CV has the potential to transform industries and how they operate. Here are some of the most notable applications worth exploring.

How AI Is Making America’s Roads Safer

The future of cities will center around mobility, especially intelligent transportation systems (ITS) technologies. But to keep the flow of traffic smooth, municipalities and transit systems must employ a more integrated and data-driven approach, one that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Across the globe, AI-based cameras have been installed in intersections and roadways, leveraging traditional […]

The post How AI Is Making America’s Roads Safer appeared first on DATAVERSITY.

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