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Tag: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

U.S. Maternal Mortality Rates Have More Than Doubled in Two Decades – Drugs.com MedNews

By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter<!---->MONDAY, July 3, 2023 -- The number of pregnant and postpartum women who die in the United States has more...

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40 Million Coronavirus Cases Are Now Reported Worldwide

Enlarge this image More than 40 million coronavirus infections have now been reported worldwide. Here,...

U.S. coronavirus deaths projected to double and about half a million Americans could die from the virus by January 1, 2021, a new gloom...

A new forecast released Friday by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington (IHME) is predicting a sobering reality for...

Why a second shutdown might be worse than the first

"We're going to have to face the harsh reality in some states that we may need to shut down again," said Dr. Jonathan...

FDA cautions people about infecting their pets

Weeks after lifting stay-at-home orders, some US states are seeing record numbers of hospitalizations from Covid-19 as thousands more Americans get infected every day.As of Saturday, coronavirus cases...

Some experts expect a possible second wave of Covid-19. Continued loosening of restrictions may make the next outbreak worse.

More than 2 million have been infected by the virus and 116,125 have died, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Though many...

‘This is about livelihoods’: U.S. virus hotspots reopen despite second wave specter

(Reuters) - Facing budget shortfalls and double-digit unemployment, governors of U.S. states that are COVID-19 hotspots on Thursday pressed ahead with economic reopenings...

Models show rising US COVID-19 cases, deaths in months ahead

With more than 2 million cases of COVID-19 detected in the United States, public health experts are revising models meant to guide and...

CrossFit founder steps down as CEO after criticism over Floyd tweet

(Reuters) - CrossFit Inc founder Greg Glassman stepped down as chief executive on Tuesday, days after he apologized for his tweet on the...

Gyms and brands are canceling partnerships with CrossFit after its CEO tweeted an insensitive comment about George Floyd

Reebok and some affiliate gyms are ending their partnerships with CrossFit after the fitness organization's CEO tweeted an insensitive comment about George Floyd...

Protests, unrest across US spark new coronavirus fears

From Los Angeles to Minneapolis to Washington, DC, crowds of thousands gathered across the country this weekend to protest the death of George...

A new projection says 137,000 people will die by August as restrictions are lifted and more people move around

The model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington now forecasts more than 137,000 Americans will die...

Leading model says 137,000 people will die as the US continues to reopen without sufficient testing and contact tracing

The model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington now forecasts more than 137,000 Americans will die...

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