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Tag: insertion

Beyond CRISPR: seekRNA delivers a new pathway for accurate gene editing

Jun 21, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Scientists at the University of Sydney have developed a gene-editing tool with greater accuracy and flexibility than the industry standard,...

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AI voice cloning through the lens of copyright laws: challenges on the rights of singers

Introduction There is a gradual rise in AI and Deepfake technologies, the world has now begun to see moves of its use by the music...

Top 10 Databases to Use in 2024

Introduction Many database technologies in contemporary data management meet developers’ and enterprises’ complex and ever-expanding demands. From scalable, high-performance solutions for distributed systems to reliable...

Can Psychedelics Improve Mental Health? | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionDuring traumatic periods and their aftermath, our brains can fall into habitual ways of thinking that may be helpful in the short run but...

Third time’s the charm for the Boeing Starliner Crew Flight Test

Update June 5, 12:06 p.m.: The Boeing Starliner spacecraft successfully separated from the Centaur upper stage of the Atlas 5 rocket. The spacecraft completed...

14 Tough Technical Interview Questions and Expert Answers

Imagine walking into a technical interview and feeling completely confident, knowing you're about to tackle any question thrown your way. That's the power of...

Why You Need Immutable Backups and How They Work

May 30, 2024Immutable backups are now critical for data protection and disaster recovery. Immutable Backups are data copies that do not change for a...

Powerful GOP senator eyes ships, jets, nukes in defense spending surge

The top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee has released a detailed plan calling for an additional $55 billion above the fiscal 2025...

What Happens in the Brain to Cause Depression? | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionFor decades, the best drug therapies for treating depression, like SSRIs, have been based on the idea that depressed brains don’t have enough of...

UK Navy to buy six vessels as it enters ‘golden age’ of shipbuilding

BERLIN — The British Royal Navy plans to buy up to six new multirole support ships and give its future frigates the ability to...

Official Vision Pro Schematics Will Accelerate Development of Headstraps & Third-party Accessories

Apple has released detailed schematics of Vision Pro and its various parts, which will likely lead to an acceleration of third-party accessories like headstraps...

Renovated Focus On A/MH-6R Little Bird Upgrade After FARA Cancellation

As the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft was cancelled earlier this year, the Little Bird is set to continue playing an important role in the...

Will Better Superconductors Transform the World? | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIf superconductors — materials that conduct electricity without any resistance — worked at temperatures and pressures close to what we would consider normal, they...

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