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Tag: ingested

13 Years On: The Miracle On The Hudson

Yesterday marked 13 years since the fatality-free ditching of US Airways flight 1549 in New York. The event,…

Inflammation and Marijuana – What’s the Relationship between Cannabis and Swelling Relief?

Cannabis helps control inflammation, which reduces the pain in these patients. The drug has shown no visible side effects in people who have used it, but this doesn't excuse the fact that more research is definitely needed before a person can begin using cannabis as a medication for inflammation.

Cannabis Cures COVID – The Elusive Holy Grail Headline the Marijuana Industry Needs for Fast Federal Legalization

The news broke this week that cannabis can help with fighting COVID-19 and almost the entire non-cannabis world picked up the headline from the Oregon State University study on cannabis and cellular pathways used by the COVID virus to invade the body.  Luckily, almost everyone in the cannabis industry kept a level head and said that no, marijuana does not stop or cure the COVID virus, but it does have potential to help in a few ways. One, it can reduce the spread of the virus by binding with receptors the virus uses to spread throughout the body.  Two, it can reduce the symptoms associated with the virus, since cannabis has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Marijuana, up until the point, cannot cure COVID or keep you from getting the virus.

What is Ayahuasca?

“When you drink ayahuasca, and you get to see divinity, you can almost never speak of it because it’s too big for words.” ― Gerard Armond Powell When William Burroughs, famed beat writer, entered the Amazonian basin not long after killing his wife and in a tormented addiction to Opium, he stumbled upon a drug that […]

The post What is Ayahuasca? appeared first on CBD Testers.

How to Know How Much Weed Should you Take?

The content of THC in weed depends commonly amongst the various strains of marijuana and other products manufactured from marijuana. The same thing applies...

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