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Go to University from Home with These Online Degrees – KDNuggets

Image by Author  Growing up I never thought there would be a time when people could get degrees from home. I heard about Open University...

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The Value of Human Experience in a Machine-Driven World: A Closer Look at Horys Technologies – Tech Startups

In an era where technology often outpaces human adaptability, understanding the value of human experience is increasingly crucial. Horys Technologies, a prominent player in...

Introducing DataCamps AI-Powered Chat Interface: DataLab – KDnuggets

Image by Author  With the rise of Generative AI, more and more people have found new ways and methods to make their data analytics process...

Bill McKibben Thinks Climate Change Is The Key To A Biden Win In November – CleanTechnica

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! Bill McKibben, the committed climate activist who has been...

Indonesia’s Collaboration on Treating Water Management

JAKARTA, May 22, 2024 - (ACN Newswire) -Water is the source of life. Its role is very essential for human life and the people's...

3 Courses You Should Consider If You Want to Become a Data Analyst – KDnuggets

Image by Author  Day to day, I receive messages from people all over the world regarding how to become a data analyst. Some come from...

Short and Fun Courses to Get You Up to Speed About Generative AI – KDnuggets

Image by Author  If you’re not a tech professional per se or you want to get into the tech industry, you have probably heard a...

OpenAI chief pushes for international body to oversee powerful AI

The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked a global conversation about its potential impact and the need for responsible development. A key...

New Tech Courses That Have Just Landed – KDnuggets

Image by Author  We know the tech landscape is continuously advancing by the day. With this being said, the demand for tech professionals also increases,...

Meta’s New Data Analyst Professional Certification Has Dropped! – KDnuggets

Image by Author  A new professional certification has arrived on the Coursera platform - Meta Data Analyst Professional Certificate. If you have had thoughts about entering...

Advance Your Tech Career with These 3 Popular Certificates – KDnuggets

Image by Author  As the tech sector continues to advance and grow at a rapid rate - there is no better time than now for...

AIEMP Announces Launch of Innovative AI Security Project

AIEMP, an unprecedented project designed to thrive, govern, and protect the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in society, has announced its launch. Advancements in...

Here are 4 ways to defend against unmanned ground vehicles

Global militaries are increasingly building, deploying, and operating unmanned ground vehicles, or UGVs. Mykhalio Fedorov, Ukraine’s Vice Prime Minister for Innovations, wrote on Twitter...

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