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Tag: human factors

Strategies to Maximize Outcomes During Pre-Submission Meetings

Pre-submission meetings are a good opportunity to interact with regulators, educate them on your technology and gather valuable feedback for your submission.However, if not...

Software security, what is the best time to test cybersecurity?

The new US FDA draft cybersecurity guidance requires you to test cybersecurity, but when should you conduct software security testing? The 2022 draft cybersecurity guidance...

Full List of 108 Standards Issued by NMPA in 2022

titlestatusdateYY 9706.268-2022 Medical Electrical Equipment Part 2-68: Particular Requirements for Basic Safety and Basic Performance of X-ray Image-guided Radiotherapy Equipment for Electron Accelerators, Light...

Why modernize 21 CFR 820 to ISO 13485?

Posted by Rob Packard on January 10, 2023 The FDA patches the regulations with guidance documents, but there is a desperate need...

Bitcoin Can Be Super Collateral If Lenders Understand Its Value

This is an opinion editorial by Max Keidun, the CEO of peer-to-peer bitcoin exchange Hodl Hodl.The bitcoin lending space has suffered from several major...

The best human factors questions in every successful FDA meeting are?

Posted by Rob Packard on January 4, 2023 What are the best human factors questions to ask the FDA during a pre-submission...

How IoT is Connecting the World

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about how IoT is connecting the world by giving individuals the ability to create their own...

Fatigued operators are 7.3x greater accident risk

A 2013 study by the US Department of Transportation (US DoT) is receiving newfound attention, due to the recent release of...

FDA Human Factors Guidance: Framework For Human Factors Information In Device Submissions

SEO Powered Content & PR Distribution. Get Amplified Today. Platoblockchain. Web3 Metaverse Intelligence. Knowledge Amplified. Access Here. Source: https://operonstrategist.com/fda-human-factors-guidance-framework-for-human-factors-information-in-device-submissions/

728 Safety Cards and Carry-on Luggage

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:06:17 — 30.3MB) We speak with the owner of a company that designs and creates airline safety...

510k Electronic Submission Guidance for FDA 510k Submissions

Posted by Rob Packard on November 8, 2022 This article provides an overview of the new 510k electronic submission guidance document that...

Climate tipping points: retreating from the brink and accelerating positive change

Climate change is no longer a distant threat but is already making us face perilous “tipping points” that could alter our...

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