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Tag: How To

How to make a Marijuana Mojito

Most cannabis lovers also know to appreciate an alcoholic cocktail or mocktail. So wouldn't it be nice to incorporate your favorite plant in it? Why not make a cannabis-enriched cocktail! Sound like fun, right? That is why we are going to make a mojito, one of the most famous and most popular mix drinks in the world.

A marijuana mojito is not only very tasty, but also very original. It is a great, creative twist, based an existing classic. And there are enough reasons to make a delicious marijuana mojito. Maybe because you want to get high, but you don't want to smoke or vape. Or maybe you have something special to celebrate? But you can also drink a mojito because you are just thirsty! Read on, you'll enjoy your delicious, stimulating, homemade marijuana mojito in no time.

Mojito from Cuba

mojito from cuba

You can drink a mojito all year round. It does not necessarily have to be a warm summer day, but a sunny vibe does contribute to the experience. And if you add marijuana, it will be a very special mix drink and the sun will only shine brighter! It is assumed that mojito comes from Cuba. But not everybody agrees on how and where the drink exactly originated. And who made the mojito for the first time is also not known.

One of the legends tells that a group of traders and explorers sailed to Havana (the capital of Cuba). The crew onboard became ill and received the mojito recipe from the local population. They recovered quickly, probably thanks to the fresh lime juice that contains a lot of vitamin C. A legend was born! Now the mojito is drunk because it is simply tasty and refreshing. And as said, by adding marijuana we make it even more special.

Another story is that the mojito comes from slaves which had to work on the cane sugar plantations of Cuba. They drank pure cane sugar juice, guarapo, an ingredient in a mojito. There is also a story about Ernest Hemingway. It seems that he often drank mojitos too. The mojito is one of the most appreciated cocktails in the world. The mocktail, a cocktail without alcohol, is also delicious. And now that we are adding marijuana, the popularity of the mojito could only increase. So let's get started!

How to make a marijuana mojito

First, find all the ingredients. This is what you need for a marijuana mojito:

- Rum (1 bottle)

- Marijuana (3 grams)

- 1 lime

- crushed ice cream

- sparkling water

- 2 scoops of cane sugar

- fresh mint

Now we come to the fun part, the actual making of the marijuana mojito. Ready for it? Let's get to it...

As you probably know, CBD and THC is not active in raw cannabis. The effects will only take effect when the heating has taken place. As a result, other compounds arise, CBDA becomes CBD, and TCHA becomes THC. This process is called decarboxylation. For this, place crumbled weed tops on a baking sheet and place in the oven, set to 100 degrees for one hour.

When you have done that we will make a kind of tea bag, only with marijuana. Find a pantyhose and cut it off at the ankle. Put the weed in and close it at the top. Now you hang this 'tea bag' in the rum for a few days. 3 days is fine. The longer you let it infuse, the stronger the effect. Once the rum is ready, put the sugar in a tall glass, along with the lime and mint and crush the whole. Add the crushed ice. And then the rum. And the sparkling water. And there you have it: your home-made, delicious marijuana mojito!

Let us know how it tasted!

Use Big Bud for the most delicious

marijuana mojito.

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Avoid a cotton mouth

Smoking weed is a fantastic experience that can be different every time. But an annoying side effect is that you can get a sore throat and a dry mouth. This is called a cottonmouth. The warm smoke that you inhale can irritate your airways, throat, and palate. These are all annoying effects that can ruin a very nice experience. And smoking should be fun, right? That's why we have some tips to prevent a sore throat, or if you already have a sore throat, to reduce it. Read on and discover why the effect of a dry mouth occurs, how to avoid a cottonmouth and what you can do to get some relief.

Sore, dry throat from smoking weed

sore throat

Smoking pot is an awesome experience, but the side effects are usually not that nice. Cannabis can give quite a few side effects, which are usually not that bad and serious, but that can be very annoying. The side effects can make a pleasant smoke experience a lot less pleasant. The effect on your lungs has the most impact of all negative side effects. But suppose weed was legalized, much more research would be done and the search for possible solutions would go much faster. Many more and much more extensive studies would be done on the negative side effects.

In this article, we focus on the cottonmouth phenomenon. A cottonmouth is an effect that your throat feels irritated and dry after smoking weed. The cottonmouth is one of the most common negative side effects of pot smoking. Almost all people who smoke get a cottonmouth. But what is the cause of this? And what can you do to soothe your throat?

Side effects of smoking cannabis

You can avoid a dry, cotton mouth by drinking plenty of water. Not only during smoking but also before smoking cannabis. It is very important to drink enough water, so your body does not dry out. There are even more ways to soothe your throat. Tea with honey works for many people, and Chamomile tea is also very soothing. You can also buy sweets with soothing properties. It is also important to keep your mouth clean and brush your teeth daily so that smoke residues do not remain in your mouth.

Sometimes it's not just a cottonmouth, but you also have to cough when you smoke weed. This is caused by the throat being irritated. The main reason for this is that you inhale hot smoke and your airways dry out. The weed smoke affects the entire trajectory, from your mouth to your airways and your bronchi. In addition, the production of saliva is slowed down. Chewing gum or taking a mint can help in such a case. Try these tips because it would be a shame if your amazing smoking experience were ruined by a cottonmouth or other side effects. Happy toking!

Do you have additions to this article? Leave them in the comment box below.

Our smooth Mangolicious strain is very gentle for your throat.

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Cannabis Edibles – How To Make Space Cakes

Spacecakes are one of those things that, if you're avid cannabis user, you just have to try. They really are just as amazing as they sound, and although there are plenty of fantastic retailers around Amsterdam who excel in making these, it definitely is possible to make them at home too. Let's get into the recipe:

What will I need?

The ingredients

  • 6 to 10 grams of your favourite weed, ground up
  • Butter (1 cup)
  • Milk (1 cup)
  • Flour (1.75 cups)
  • Sugar (1 cup)
  • Eggs (2)
  • Baking powder (1.75 teaspoons)
  • Salt (.5 of a teaspoon)
  • Whatever other ingredients you want to have in your cake! Sky's the limit (although I do recommend chocolate chips, cocoa powder, and buttercream)

What will I need?


The tools

  • 1 small bowl
  • 1 oven-safe cake tin
  • 1 oven-safe container
  • 1 large mixing spoon
  • 1 mixing bowl
  • A skewer
  • Lining paper, or non-stick spray

What do I do?

The instructions

  1. First off, preheat your oven to around 110 °C before heating your weed inside your oven-safe container for approximately 40 minutes. When the 40 minutes are up, remove your weed from the oven and increase your oven temperature to 190 °C.
  2. While your oven's heating up, place your butter in a bowl and microwave it until its soft (this should only take about 15 seconds) and then mix your cannabis into it.
  3. Add your sugar, flour, milk, and eggs to your cannabis butter (all ingredients should now be in the large mixing bowl) and mix them all together until they're a nice, thick consistency. This is also your opportunity to add any extra ingredients, such as chocolate chips.
  4. Make sure that the tin you're using won't make your mixture stick by using either lining paper or a non-stick spray.
  5. Pour your batter into your cake tin and leave it to cook for 25 minutes.
  6. After 25 minutes has passed, remove your cake from the oven and stab it in its center with the skewer. If it comes out clean, your cake is ready – if it doesn't, put your cake back in for another few minutes.
  7. Once your cake is baked you should allow it to cool in the tin for about 20 minutes before removing it, at which point you can decorate and divide it up any way you like.
  8. Bon appetit!

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