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Tag: How To

It’s not a breach… it’s just that someone else has your data

by Paul Ducklin UK telephone, TV and internet provider Virgin Media has suffered a data breach. Or not, depending on...

3 Questions: Renae Irving on creating supportive learning environments for middle- and high-school students

The MIT Office of Engineering Outreach Programs (OEOP) runs outreach programs under the School of Engineering for underrepresented and underserved...

Active Directory, Azure and Windows Security – Sean Metcalf – PSW #642

Active Directory & Microsoft Cloud (Azure AD & Office 365) Security, including a breakdown of Microsoft’s security offerings and recommendations for cloud...

Threat Awareness: A Critical First Step in Detecting Adversaries

One thing seems certain: Attackers are only getting more devious and lethal. Expect to see more advanced attacks. We're in an arms race...

Build a Native Desktop GIF Searcher App Using NodeGui

NodeGui is an open-source library for building cross-platform, native desktop apps with Node.js. NodeGui apps can run on macOS, Windows, and Linux. The...

Nation-state actors are exploiting CVE-2020-0688 Microsoft Exchange server flaw

Multiple state-sponsored hacking groups are attempting to exploit a vulnerability recently addressed in Microsoft Exchange email servers. Cybersecurity firm Volexity is warning that...

Microsoft: Turn off Memory Integrity if it’s causing problems

by Danny Bradbury Microsoft has finally clarified how users can fix a Windows security measure that has been causing...

99% of compromised Microsoft enterprise accounts lack MFA

by John E Dunn Cybercriminals compromise 0.5% of all Microsoft enterprise accounts every month because too few customers are...

Monday review – the hot 29 stories of the week

by Naked Security writer Get yourself up to date with everything we’ve written in the last seven days –...

Barriers To Studying Marijuana: Q&A With Dr. Thorsten Rudroff

“We need long-term studies! There is a ‘painful’ parallel between medical marijuana and the past and present situation with opioids, where the short-term...

How to Build a Healthy Blockchain Ecosystem

One of the many hats I wear is serving as a board member of the Boston Blockchain Association. This is an industry group...

Keeping Systems Safe From Third Parties

Vendors. Supply chain partners. Third parties. Contractors. All are different names for entities that might need access to your corporate networks and...

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