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Tag: How To

Why Sign in with Apple Is a Good Thing

Mobile app developers who care about security will be excited to implement Sign in with Apple and see how this balance of...

Mark Cooper, PKI Solutions – Mark Cooper – PSW #642

How SHAKEN/STIR and PKI will end the global robocall problem Link to an article Mark wrote for Dark Reading: https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/shaken-stir-finally!-a-solution-to-caller-id-spoofing/a/d-id/1336285 Link to landing page with...

Why a risk-based approach to application security can bolster your defenses

Like it or not, cybercrime is big business these days. A casual glance at the news at any given time will typically reveal...

The Wide World of Electronic Sports Ep. 40

Hello, folks. Monday was a holiday for WWES, but Tuesday is not and that means an all-new episode of The Wide World...

Phantasy Star Online 2 Xbox One open beta March date revealed

As Sega prepares to bring the highly popular MMORPG Phantasy Star Online 2 to the United States, Xbox...

CISOs, CVE, DevOps, Gandalf – ASW #99

CVE-2020-0688 Losing the keys to your kingdom, which is why Multiple nation-state groups are hacking Microsoft Exchange servers, Revoking certain certificates on...

Guy Podjarny, Snyk – Guy Podjarny – ASW #99

Guy Podjarny (@guypod) is Snyk’s Founder and President, focusing on using open source and staying secure. Guy was previously CTO at Akamai...

Using Design Strategy to Unlock Growth

Guest Post: The following post is a sponsored guest post by Noteh Strauss. All views and opinions represented in this post are the...

Tomcat, AWS Malware, Hacker Movies – PSW #642

Apache Tomcat AJP exploit, malware in AWS, hacker movies and more! Visit https://www.securityweekly.com/psw for all the latest episodes! Full Episode Show Notes To learn more...

Cannacurio: 95% of This Year’s Cultivation Licenses Have Been Issued by Two States

Last month we shared that California and Oklahoma were responsible for 95% of the new cultivation licenses issued and that trend is continuing...

Inspiring the Next Ada Lovelace

If you were asked who the world’s first computer programmer was, who do you imagine? Would you be surprised to learn that...

Coronavirus Leave Seats Empty At London Blockchain Week

In 2007, Lebanese-American essayist, statistician and risk analyst Nassim Nicholas Taleb introduced the world to the notion of a “black swan.” A black...

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