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Tag: hallucinogens

Can You Give Your Dog Magic Mushrooms? – Benefits of Psychedelics for Dogs

Can Dogs Also Benefit From Mushrooms?  While the decriminalization of cannabis has been liberating for us humans as a whole, it also has another major...

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Should You Tell Your Doctor If You Do Shrooms? – Most People Don’t Tell Their Doctor About Their Psychedelic Use Says New Survey

Survey Says Most People Who Take Psychedelics Don’t Tell Their Doctors Should You Disclose Psychedelic Use To Your Physician? Some cities in Canada have...

Want to Get an Extra Half-Hour of Sleep Every Night? – Microdosing LSD Leads to Close to 24 Minutes of Extra Sleep a Night

A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from the University of Auckland in New Zealand has unveiled a potentially remarkable medical benefit of the mystical...

What It’s Like to Trip on DMT

When Jonathan Bell first tried DMT, he was already well-acquainted with psychedelics—at 34, he had taken acid and used mushrooms on dozens of occasions....

Scientists Now Know Why Psychedelics Conquer Depression Even Without a High

Everyone is raving about hallucinogens as the future of antidepressants.LSD (better known as acid), psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms), and the “spirit...

Analyzing the Relationship Between Cannabis and Schizophrenia in 2023

In recent times, mental health conditions like schizophrenia have become a go-to scapegoat for those pushing for tighter cannabis regulations. Proponents of stricter rules...

Can Cannabis Cause Psychosis?

Can cannabis cause psychosis? Public health busybodies will list negative aspects of cannabis as an argument either against legalization or for the “public health”...

Can I Try Shrooms, Mom? – How to Talk to Your Kids about Psychedelics

The time of psychedelics has come. There’s no denying that psychedelic drugs, especially magic mushrooms, are already mainstream. This means that just like marijuana,...

Berkeley Officials Consider Move To Decriminalize Hallucinogens

Berkeley Officials Consider Move To Decriminalize Hallucinogens | High Times ...

Don’t Laugh But Psychedelics May Be Legalized Before Cannabis in America

The demand for psychedelic substances has been growing gradually over the past few years, and it is anticipated to accelerate exponentially in the next...

BLACKTAIL Preview – Evil Witch, Evil Witch, Evil Witch, TALKING MUSHROOM MUSHROOM

Games have covered Western mythology in detail. Japanese mythology? Yeah, that’s covered. But aside from The Witcher and some of the weird games from...

Scientists Use AI to Trace the Origins of Psychedelic Experiences in the Brain

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For the past several decades, psychedelics have been widely stigmatized as dangerous illegal drugs. But a recent surge of academic research into their use to treat psychiatric conditions is spurring a shift in public opinion. Psychedelics are psychotropic drugs: substances that affect your mental state. Other types of psychotropics include antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. Psychedelics […]

Study Finds Psilocybin Therapy Has Long-Lasting Results

If you’re new to the world of psychedelics, this is a pretty incredible headline. If you’re well versed in the power of hallucinogens, then you’re probably glad that the medical world of today took yet another step to catch up. No matter how you look at it, progress is progress, and this is definitely progress. […]

The post Study Finds Psilocybin Therapy Has Long-Lasting Results appeared first on CBD Testers.

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