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Tag: globe

COP 26 Glasgow, Scotland

This month, thousands of scientists, climate change activists, and world leaders descend upon Glasgow, Scotland for the United Nations Climate Change Conference UK 2021...

Esports Storytelling Spotlight: Coca-Cola

“Those who tell the stories rule society.” Plato Coca-Cola is making noise with its first global campaign since 2016. During its rollout, Selman Careaga, president of the global Coca-Cola category, called the Real Magic campaign, “a new philosophy that will guide everything we do with our brand,” adding that Coca-Cola, “will invite everyone to embrace the magic of humanity.”  Coca-Cola celebrated the ‘Real Magic’ […]

The post Esports Storytelling Spotlight: Coca-Cola appeared first on Esports Group.

The Hidden Science Behind Decarbonizing Buildings

All around us, hidden inside our buildings, are a series of choices and tradeoffs -- choices with direct impacts on our health, our money,...

Will Direct-Air Carbon Capture Be Viable?

Carbon capture has long been criticized as too nascent, too expensive, and too distracting. Is that changing?This month, the Swiss company Climeworks officially launched a direct-air...

The Benefits of Green Manufacturing

This decade has birthed various trends and some of these trends transformed into a movement without people’s support. Sustainability started as a trend too,...

The EdX Aftermath

MIT and Harvard have damaged their reputations and need to take action to repair them.

The post The EdX Aftermath appeared first on e-Literate.

Slovakia Bans Twitch for Allowing Illegal Gambling Streaming

Categories: Casino Blog | Published by: paynplaycasinos.bet 04/08/2021 In an unprecedented move, the Slovakian government has decided to ban Twitch after a streamer was...

What is going on in the stock market? – List of Best Blockchain Events

We will remember 2020 as the year that turned the whole world upside down. When in March that year the globe got immersed...

12 Powerful Email Marketing Software for Marketing Teams in 2023 📧

In this roundup, we are going to talk about some of the best email marketing services and software on the market for effective delivery,...

Meawallet and Universo disrupt the payment space in Portugal

Meawallet and Universo disrupt the payment space in Portugal. The digital transformation partnership was announced in mid 2020, as is set to speed up...

5 New Keys to My Most-Funded Kickstarter Launch Ever

Tyler’s latest launch for the Counting, Colors & Cthulhu Board Book with Jason Ciaramella & Josh Janes is his biggest yet! In this...

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