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Tag: gig economy

The six barriers to efficient multilingual support (and how to overcome them)

Nowadays, companies that have grown internationally target customers in numerous countries at once.But providing customer support in multiple languages can easily turn into...

Crowdfunding Platform Utilizing Blockchain

People wrongly assume that the blockchain technology’s only application is cryptocurrencies. As many industries have discovered over the last 2-3 years, blockchain technology...

A good gig: Paula Kennedy on AI, remote work, and innovation at Concentrix

For years, companies in the Business Process Outsourcing space, or BPOs, have relied on a bricks-and-mortar model, working with thousands of customer advocates...

Behind the Customer Centric Conference: building an event from scratch

It all started with a newsletter, last August. A weekly bulletin with hand-picked content and insights for the CX leaders who seek to...

AI, gig, and you: the holy trinity of customer service

Since I joined Unbabel as the VP of Global Alliances, I’ve been working closely with partners like Zendesk, Salesforce, Microsoft, and Concentrix, to...

Blockchain Fighting Back Against Commoditizing Workers

Sometimes modern technology comes at a price. For all of Uber ’s roaring successes in providing users worldwide with basement priced transportation and...

Survival of the fittest: are BPOs ready to evolve?

The most successful businesses respond to market pressures much in the same way Darwin’s famous Galápagos finches responded to food scarcity: adapt or...

Here’s What I Learned at RSAC 2018

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe RSA Conference is one of the biggest events in the world of cybersecurity. I wasn’t there this year, but...

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