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Tag: gas fees

Ethereum gas fees are up 7,000% since 2020 began—but Vitalik thinks this can be solved

The cost of sending transactions on Ethereum has exploded over the past few months as the network has reached all-time highs in terms...

Bitcoin Expected to Continue With Bearish Trend- Is It a Good Time to Invest?

The Downtrend May Continue Below $10000 The bearish trend of the world’s largest digital asset is expected to continue further below the support...

Universal Market Access (UMA) Review: Limitless DeFi

The cryptocurrency space is currently experiencing something which can only be described as a DeFi season. The successive release of DeFi protocols has...

Out of Control ETH Fees Return to All-Time High

With the rise of the decentralized web came a rise in Ethereum traffic. September 1, 2020, broke a new record with...

Sushi vs. Unicorn: The Rise (And Fall?) of Uniswap

Uniswap is in the battle of its life against a new competitor: SushiSwap. But is this a case of fair game, healthy competition,...

Sushi Dumped more than 60% within 24 hours – Is Still a Good Gain Option?

Market Capitalization on Sushi up by 200% in 48 hours The newly launched token Sushi launched trade on 29 August 2020 and within...

Using a DeFi protocol now costs more than $50 as Ethereum fees skyrocket

Gas prices on Ethereum posted fresh all-time highs on Tuesday as making a transaction now requires bidding more than 450 gwei, according to...

Vitalik Buterin compares DeFi tokenomics to the Fed’s money printer

Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum (ETH), has again taken to Twitter to warn against naive bullishness in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector,...

Analysts predict Yearn Finance’s ETH vault could spark renewed Ether bull run

Analysts predict that the imminent launch of yETH by Yearn Finance could trigger a renewed surge in buying pressure on the ETH markets....

Ethereum Gas Fees Touching Heights – What’s the Solution?

Ethereum Gas Fees recording heights, Is Polkadot or ETH2.0 a solution? The gas fees of ethereum have been surging nowadays. It also touched...

Binance Smart Chain: A Guide to $BSC

Many developments in the crypto space promise a faster transaction settlement system with the additional advantage of deploying smart contracts. Among...

Filecoin tests pave way for Ethereum fee restructure

A long anticipated Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) which aims to tackle high network fees is currently being tested on the Filecoin network.A proposal...

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