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Tag: funds

Pornhub now accepts a cryptocurrency you’ve never heard of

Image: PORNHUB Angela Moscaritolo for PCMag 2018-08-23 18:14:28 UTC Follow @https://twitter.com/PCMag PCMag.com is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest products...

New malware threat means bad news for ATMs

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe most memorable cyber attack demonstration I’ve ever seen was Barnaby Jack’s ATM jackpotting presentation at Black Hat...

How cryptocurrency brings oppression and hope to Venezuela

Image: Vicky Leta/Mashable Rob Marvin for PCMag 2018-08-13 19:32:41 UTC Follow @https://twitter.com/PCMag PCMag.com is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest...

160 – Ask ComixLaunch: Self-Publishing Frustrations, Kickstarter vs Indiegogo & Giving It Away For Free

How easy is it for potential readers to find YOU? That’s just one of many questions Tyler will ask you to think about...

West Virginia will use blockchain-backed smartphone voting in 2018 midterms

Cast yer digital votes. Image: Getty Images By Rachel Kraus2018-08-07 15:38:03 UTC A new pilot program in West Virginia aims to take...

158 – 5 Steps to a Winning Kickstarter Image

Your Kickstarter project image is the single most important image on your page and one of the most important decisions of your launch....

The race to build the best blockchain

By Stan Schroeder2018-07-25 15:05:39 UTC Billions of dollars are being spent, right now, to solve a problem we didn’t...

Guide to the US Federal regulatory landscape

On June 14th the SEC director of the corporate finance division, William Hinman, finally declared that Bitcoin and Ethereum are not securities, but...

Shocking no one, study finds almost 80 percent of ICOs are scams

Yup. Image: Pilin_Petunyia/getty By Jack Morse2018-07-12 22:51:42 UTC Initial coin offerings are the way of the future, and oh boy is that...

154 – AskComixLaunch Kickstarter Q&A: Getting Backers to Actually Answer Surveys

ComixLaunch gets back to basics as Tyler opens up the Kickstarter Q&A mailbag to answer vexing Kickstarter questions from the ComixLaunch community. Getting...

$31 Million Worth of Cryptocurrency Stolen in Cyber Attack

Reading Time: 3 minutesIf you trade in cryptocurrency, your funds probably aren’t safe in a public exchange. On June 19th, Bithumb, one...

Is the New Rwandan Cybercrime Law a Step Forward for Cybersecurity in Africa?

Reading Time: 5 minutesLike many countries around the world, cybercrime is a problem in Rwanda. Malware is a frequent means of...

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