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Tag: Fourth

The Dawn of Energy Diplomacy: Can US Take on the Russia-Saudi Oil Alliance?

The OPEC oil cartel, accounting for about 40% of global oil production, has taken the surprising step of cutting oil production not by one...

How does the carbon cycle work?

The global carbon cycle is a biogeochemical process that involves the transfer of carbon between the Earth's land, water, and atmosphere. This process is...

Ukraine Advances, Are They Moving Markets?

The Ukrainian Army has liberated a village at the very northern outskirts of Kherson, Dudchany, which sits on the river Dnieper. An information blackout order...

Nation branding: beyond a cosmetic symbol

September 2022 By Patricio T. Murphy, IP Specialist and researcher at the think tank Red Argentina de Profesionales para la Política Exterior (Red APPE), Buenos...

The Liquid Review: September 2022

Happy Thursday folks, There’s a lot to cover in Team Liquid this month, and not in the ways you might think. Take Liquid’s WoW...

Top 10 Best Weapons in Dead Cells 2022 | Build the Best Arsenal Possible

Dead Cells has a gigantic collection of weapons and gear for players to choose from. The placement of each one is changed with every...

Bitcoin’s Hashrate Unmoved as Iran Cuts Internet Amid Protests

Bitcoin’s hashrate has recently reached a new all time high of 234 Petahashes per second on Sunday, and though it fell to 225 on...

48 European Leaders to Meet in Prague

Brits, Turks, Azeri and Armeni, Georgians and Swiss, even Albanians, are to meet at the Prague Castle in two weeks for the launch of...

Southern California’s housing slowdown shows in August home prices

The Southern California median home price remained unchanged in August from the previous month as rising mortgage rates made houses even less affordable for...

Ethereum Merges, Hash Stops

The ethereum network has successfully upgraded to full Proof of Stake (PoS) with a participation rate of 99%. 13.7 million eth are currently staking and...

Putin, the Way Out

Russia had it all. A G8 member, booming trade relations with Europe, a re-stored civil service, a rising tech center, and overall a European...

Bitcoin Futures Lead Spot Says Study

A study looking at the relationship between the price of bitcoin futures and spot has concluded that futures lead price discovery. “The Bitcoin futures market...

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