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Tag: Focus

Why doesn’t Streams use AI?

One of the questions I’m most often asked about Streams, our secure mobile healthcare app, is “why is DeepMind making something that doesn’t...

123 – The Secret Origins of Tyler James, ComixTribe & ComixLaunch!

The tables are turned and Tyler James is on the hotseat, as Clay Adams digs into the secret origins of ComixTribe and ComixLaunch...

Applying machine learning to mammography screening for breast cancer

We founded DeepMind Health to develop technologies that could help address some of society’s toughest challenges. So we’re very excited to announce that...

Q&A with Unbabel’s Head of Research who just won €1.4 million to build the next generation of machine translation models

Unbabel’s Head of Research, André Martins has been awarded a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for his proposed 5-year research project...

122- Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset on Kickstarter and Beyond

Is Kickstarter a sustainable long-term platform or are we in a bubble that’s soon to burst? How creators respond to this question reveals...

Use your computer’s extra power to mine cryptocurrency—and help low-income people pay bail

Appolition and Bail Bloc both let you support low-income people who can't pay bail. Image: Shutterstock / Dan Henson By Emma Hinchliffe2017-11-16 18:47:11...

121 – Kickstarting the Holidays with Clay Adams of Red Xmas

Clay Adams of Fried Comics returns to the show to talk about jumping into Kickstarter commissions month, the best time to launch a...

120 – Kickstarter Rhee-l Talk with Dirk Manning

Horror writer Dirk Manning takes a break from his busy con schedule to talk his latest successful Kickstarter campaign, crowdfunding growing pains and...

119 – Launching and Learning: A Kickstarter Deep Dive with Tart’s Kevin Joseph

In this awesome interview with Kevin Joseph of Kechal Comics, you’ll learn the power and importance of communication with your collaborators and your...

The bank that’s apparently so cool it has become a chat up line in London’s bars

The future of banking fits in the palm of your hand! But is it all that new? Image: monzo By Liza Hearon2017-10-26 15:02:10...

118 – Ask ComixLaunch: Collecting Backer Emails, Acting a Fool for Funds & the Best Day to End a Campaign

Tyler answers great questions from inside the private ComixLaunch communities and shares the answers with all of ComixLaunch. Highlights of this Session Include: Best practices...

117 – How to Take Part in Kickstarter’s Commissions Month in November

Kickstarter wants you to create with your fans in the month of November. Comissions month is coming on Kickstarter and in this session, Tyler...

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