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Tag: Film

Satellite broken? Smart satellites to the rescue

When satellites break, which is surprisingly often, there isn't much you can do about them. They become expensive and dangerous flotsam, orbiting Earth for...

MIT art installation aims to empower a more discerning public

Videos doctored by artificial intelligence, culturally known as “deepfakes,” are being created and shared by the public at an alarming...

“From Controversy to Cure” documentary chronicles the biotech boom in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Kendall Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is home to the greatest concentration of biotechnology companies in the world. Once a salt...

12 Ways to Improve Climate Change Communications and Campaigns

BY MICHAEL SHANKCOMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, CARBON NEUTRAL CITIES ALLIANCE Why 12 Ms? Environmentalists have long depended on good data and sound science to determine the direction of...

Oz Gardenz – Family Farming at its Finest

Oz Gardenz co-founder Jonathan was a filmmaker for almost thirty years with a history of farming going back to the early 80’s. Wanting...

Expectation vs. reality: AI narratives in the media

In a futuristic city far, far away lives a utopian society of wealthy citizens who lead carefree lives, unaware of the workers who...

AugRay Brings First Video XR- enabled Movie Promotion for Jio Studio’s ‘Made in China’

‘Made in China’, an upcoming Bollywood movie produced by Jio Studios is creating a tremendous pre-release...

Integrating Ultra-Thin Si Dies Within A Flexible Label – Shin-Etsu MicroSi

Recent developments in the integration of ultra-thin silicon dies within a flexible film lead to a new paradigm. Indeed, thanks to the thinness and...

Integrating Ultra-Thin Si Dies Within A Flexible Label

Recent developments in the integration of ultra-thin silicon dies within a flexible film lead to a new paradigm. Indeed, thanks to the thinness and flexibility of devices, it is conceivable that functions can be added around any object without changing its aspect [1-5]. Currently, only electronic tracks between components are flexible in the major flexible […]

The post Integrating Ultra-Thin Si Dies Within A Flexible Label appeared first on Shin-Etsu MicroSi.

Request for Startups: Human Augmentation

Homo-sapiens can communicate globally, but we still can’t communicate with animals. Humans can travel at 300mph in a tin can, but we still...

Some Seriously Great News. No, Seriously …

Exactly six years ago today I received an email from my friend Ynon Kreiz introducing me to Andrew Stalbow and Petri Järvilehto. Ynon...

Will AI do to services what machines did to manufacturing?

The story of automation has sometimes gotten caught up in familiar tropes: Robots are coming to take away everybody’s jobs.Perhaps a more imaginative...

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