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Tag: Feet

What Bus Transit Operators Need to Know About COVID-19

For bus transit operators, potential sources of exposure include having close contact with a bus passenger with COVID-19, by contacting surfaces touched or...

What Aircraft Maintenance Workers Need to Know about COVID-19

As an aircraft maintenance worker, you could be exposed to COVID-19 in situations such as when you have close contact with someone with...

Regency Transportation Acquires S&M Transport

Regency Transportation & Distribution has acquired the assets of S&M Transport of Edison, N.J., the company announced April 13. The Franklin, Mass.-based and...

California Highway Projects Speed Up With Drivers Off Roads

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — As state and local officials extend stay-at-home orders, road construction crews across California are taking advantage of reduced traffic to...

Top 5 Ways the Built Environment Will Change Post-Pandemic

13 Apr Top 5 Ways the Built Environment Will Change Post-Pandemic by Christine Hart We’re all daydreaming of the moment COVID-19 releases its grip on...

The Pandemic Could Be an Opportunity to Remake Cities

Last Tuesday, a Gemballa Mirage GT barrelled into a series of parked cars on a Manhattan street. The driver fled and was arrested....

Founders are turning to GoFundMe to stay afloat as venture capitalists back out of funding rounds

Founders all over the world are increasingly turning to crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe to keep their startups alive. Widespread quarantines and business closures aimed...

‘I owe them my life’ – out of intensive care, UK’s Johnson praises medics

LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he owes his life to the staff of Britain’s state-run National Health Service, in his...

UK coronavirus death toll nears 10,000 as minister says PM Johnson must rest

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s COVID-19 death toll neared 10,000 on Saturday after health officials reported another 917 hospital deaths, while one senior minister...

Warehouse workers risk COVID-19 to ship Gucci shades, face cream, sofas

(Reuters) - As U.S. authorities ordered shutdowns of non-essential businesses to fight coronavirus, retailer Nordstrom Inc closed hundreds of stores and gave in-store...

Talking Digital Future: Blockchain Technology

I have a feeling that a lot of businesses still don’t understand why they need blockchain, while others may believe they need it...

Apple, Google Partner On Bluetooth-Powered COVID-19 Tracking App

Apple and Google, two of the world’s biggest tech giants and rivals in the business, on Friday announced a partnership to build a...

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