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Tag: Features

CEO Interview: Pat Brockett of Celera – Semiwiki

Pat Brockett is a veteran of the global semiconductor industry. He began his career in sales and marketing at Texas Instruments. After that, he...

Mastering the Art of Social Listening

Did you know that 88% of consumers not only trust but also purchase from brands that actively engage with them on social media? Customers trust brands...

CommEX Celebrates One Month with Exclusive Campaign and Affiliate Program

CommEX, the innovative cryptocurrency exchange, has reached a significant milestone, celebrating its first month since launch. In response to valuable user feedback, the...

Why is the Duolingo app icon melting?

Did you see the new melting Duolingo app icon? In the world of language learning, few apps have managed to captivate our hearts and...

Unlocking the Potential of Dynamic Dashboards

The world of data analytics can appear complex, but armed with the right tools such as dynamic dashboards, it is easier to navigate. What...

Top 5 Last-mile Delivery Software for 2023

In today’s world, people wish to receive their orders right at their doorstep without the hassle of multiple follow-ups. Last mile delivery software...

Genotype Review: An Ambitious Sci-Fi Shooter Without Any Guns

Genotype is an ambitious story-driven sci-fi shooter recently released on Quest. Read on for our full review. Wearing its inspirations on its sleeve, Bolverk Games’...

WhatsApp will soon allow you to have Two Accounts on same Phone

Here are the top trending news from the world of technology. News that every tech enthusiast should keep a tab on. 1) WhatsApp will soon allow...

Falling for the Outdoors: Transformative Backyard Upgrades for Cozy Autumn Retreats

As we fully embrace the cozy arms of autumn, our outdoor spaces transform in the most amazing way. The warm vibes of fall make...

Ultimate Guide To Converting Leads Into Customers After Cannabis Industry Events Like MJBizCon | Cannabiz Media

Trade shows, conferences, and events offer excellent opportunities for business-to-business (B2B) companies operating in and with the cannabis industry to generate new leads. But...

Announcing Rekogniton Custom Moderation: Enhance accuracy of pre-trained Rekognition moderation models with your data | Amazon Web Services

Companies increasingly rely on user-generated images and videos for engagement. From ecommerce platforms encouraging customers to share product images to social media companies promoting...

When Does Cities: Skylines 2 Come Out?

Cities: Skylines 2 is Colossal Order’s latest gift to city-building fanatics. Players get to build the most intricate and weirdest places as they start...

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