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Tag: farming

Cannabis in Japan – Laws, Use, and History

Prior to 1948, cannabis was widely cultivated in Japan. It was valued for its practical uses in making textiles and rope, for example,...

Stardew Valley Marriage Guide | Who Should I Marry?

If you’ve recently found yourself wandering the virtual fields of your late grandfather’s run-down farm, chances are you’ve made your way into the friendly...

27 Best Weed Games for Growing, Farming, Dealing, and Smoking Weed

1 – Whiz Khalifa’s Weed Farm Wiz Khalifa’s Weed Farm is the perfect weed game for stoners that want to farm weed, sell weed, and...

Why We’re Investing in Anyscale

This year at CES, Jensen Huang, the CEO of NVIDIA, famously announced that Moore’s Law is dead. We’d argue that it’s not just...

Clothes & apparel – risky business or a fashionable investment?

Clothes are a basic necessity, but what should you know before investing in the industry? We decided to take a look in this...

Tribe 13: Request for Startups — OceanTech

3 years ago I went on a quest to get to the bottom of this whole Climate Change debate. I read books and...

Why do humans speak 7000 different languages?

Papua New Guinea occupies the eastern half of the island of New Guinea, the second largest in the world, which it shares with...

Our love affair with subscription products

There are four perky bamboo toothbrushes sitting in my bathroom sink — twice the number of people who use them on a regular...

Build National Awareness for your Cannabis Brand with a Hemp-Derived CBD Line

On December 20, 2018, the U.S. Federal Government authorized the removal of hemp from the Schedule I controlled substances list, converting it into an ordinary agricultural commodity overnight. As such, the country’s already seeing evidence of the range of hemp-derived CBD products that are set to take the industry by storm in 2019.

The post Build National Awareness for your Cannabis Brand with a Hemp-Derived CBD Line appeared first on Cannabis Marketing Agency in California | CannaVerse Solutions.

How to Build and Market a Disruptive CBD Brand in 2019

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO STARTING A CBD BUSINESS IN 2019 Oklahoma, California, Colorado… little by little, state by state, the U.S. continues...

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