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Tag: fake

Global Pharma Giant Merck Wins US Blockchain, AI Patent for Product Authenticity

Merck, the world’s oldest operating pharmaceutical firm, has won a blockchain patent from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Cointelegraph auf...

Gaming Technology is Changing How We Design and Visualize Products

The ability to render in real-time using game engine technology, together with the consistency and photorealism provided by PBR, have also brought breakthroughs...

The bots we’re looking for: experimenting with conversational journalism

Even for June, it was a surprisingly warm afternoon when we met John Keefe, in Lisbon’s Terreiro do Paço. He was wearing a...

Blockchain technology is so hot right now — here’s how to learn it on the cheap

Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission. Image: Pixabay By TEAM COMMERCEMashable...

Reviews, reviewed: the great ratings hoax

It’s 102 minutes of nothing interesting happening AT ALL. What happens in this movie? Is there anything interesting happening at all that anybody...

Fake virus warning con artists arrested in India

Reading Time: 3 minutesImagine that you’re surfing the web, and suddenly a popup appears on your screen with an ominous message. “Your computer...

Can AI fix fake news?

Bat-winged humanoids, blue-skinned goats, bipedal tailless beavers, a temple made of sapphire — these were some of the sights witnessed by Sir John...

A Poisoned Gift for Thanksgiving Day: Emotet Comes in a New Disguise to Break into Your Bank Account

Reading Time: 4 minutesCybercriminals fond of celebration dates like Thanksgiving Day — but not for the same reason that upstanding people do. For...

Customer Service after hours: what the Dark Web can teach us

Legend holds that the first thing to be sold online, through ARPANET, the seventies’ precursor to the modern internet, in a deal struck...

How to Prevent Phishing Attacks?

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat Is Phishing? Phishing is a method employed by cybercriminals to access email accounts and systems using deception rather than defeating...

In The Crab’s Claws: The New Version Of Ransomware Hits Everyone But Russians

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe arms race between cybercriminals and cybersecurity warriors is increasing at an enormous speed. Malware authors immediately react on any...

What is Internet Security?

Reading Time: 5 minutesInternet security is a branch of computer security which comprises various security measures exercised for ensuring the security of transactions...

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