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Tag: fair

TomoChain, an Innovative Solution Aiming to Solve the Blockchain Trilemma

Although most blockchain technology companies are promising disruption across multiple industries, Vitalik Buterin, the widely accredited crypto-genius and creator of Ethereum, believes that...

How personalized customer service can turn a bad experience into a good one

Customer service is not an easy job. Solving customers’ issues on a daily basis can often come with an unsolicited side of negativity...

10 Questions every Money Transfer Business should ask themselves?

I did a presentation on this long ago (The original presentation can be downloaded from here: Uberization of Money Transfer: 12 Questions every small...

Blockchain Use Cases: Smart Contracts, IoT and the Future | Bitcoin Chaser

Once Blockchain proved its use case as a key element underpinning the Bitcoin network, developers and enthusiasts started thinking about how to use...

The Best Time to Launch a Kickstarter [Coaching Call]

Timing is everything, right? Well, let’s talk about it! In this coaching session, professional writer S.K. Malveaux asks about the best time to...

The Bets Are on Blockchain: 1xBit – The Bitcoin News

Advertisment Cryptocurrency has been embraced as a form of payment by various industries and brands. To the joy of crypto enthusiasts that have a...

French President Calls on Europe to Use Blockchain to Innovate the Agriculture Industry

French President Emmanuel Macron has advocated the use of blockchain to innovate supply chain management in the European agriculture industry. The president made...

“Let’s Do This in Europe” Says Macron on Blockchain

French President Emmanuel Macron has called on farmers to use blockchain technology for food tracking in supply chains. “Let’s do this in Europe, the...

Aggroed’s Quick Guide to Building a Profitable Business on Steem, which is a great blockchain for business!

Steem is a bit of the red headed step child in the land of crypto. The token launch has a bad rep, Steemit...

AI can write just like me. Brace for the robot apocalypse

I’ve seen how OpenAI’s GPT2 system can produce a column in my style. We must heed Elon Musk’s warnings of AI doom Elon Musk,...

DiceRoll Data Collection for betdice rolling game on EOS Blockchain

I have strange interests and inquisitiveness. After seeing so many gambling games on various blockchains e.g. magicdice on Steem, Tronbet on Tron, BetDice...

Translating without an original: a literary scandal as big as The Beatles

No second chances.These three words serve as a translator’s koan. They loom largest in the minds of literary translators, who set out to...

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