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Tag: example

terms4FAIRskills Training Materials Browser launched

The FAIRsFAIR project is pleased to announce that a proof-of-concept training materials browser has been developed for use with the terms4FAIRskills terminology by a team from FAIRsFAIR WP6 including CODATA Senior Research Lead, Laura Molloy.   The purpose of this materials browser is to provide an ‘in use’ proof-of-concept instance of the terms4FAIRskills terminology. The browser […]

The post terms4FAIRskills Training Materials Browser launched appeared first on CODATA, The Committee on Data for Science and Technology.

‘Believe It!’ How a Manga-Loving Geek Exposed the Scam Targeting Naruto NFTs

Journalist Dan Kahan loves manga. When he saw the famous Naruto series was being turned into NFTs he uncovered a new type of copyright fraud.

Happy Data Privacy Day – and we really do mean “happy” 🙂

We give you some simple digital lifesytle tips that cost nothing.

Bet365’s CEO Denise Coates’ UK Taxes Shows Gambling Benefits to UK Economy

The Sunday Times Tax List, the annual breakdown of the UK’s top taxpayers prepared by The Times, is ready. Topping the list of those who pay the most is Denise Coates, head of gambling operator bet365. The Times prepares an annual list of the top 50 taxpayers. There are several names that have repeatedly made […]

The post Bet365’s CEO Denise Coates’ UK Taxes Shows Gambling Benefits to UK Economy appeared first on Casino.org.

Celebrating Awareness of the Importance of Data Privacy

January 28 is Data Privacy Day, bringing awareness of the basic foundation and principles of data protection. Read about the day itself, why data privacy is important, and best practices you can adhere to in order to help ensure the privacy of your data.

More Security Flaws Found in Apple’s OS Technologies

Apple's updates this week included fixes for two zero-day flaws, several code execution bugs, and vulnerabilities that allowed attackers to bypass its core security protections.

Navigating Nobelium: Lessons From Cloud Hopper & NotPetya

Nearly every organization should assume that it is at risk, but there are ways of countering the tactics used by advanced persistent threats.

Supply Chain Goals for 2022: What Should You Prioritize?

There has been a collective sense that 2021 was going to be the pivot, the year in which we would turn our backs on the pandemic and look forward to a better future. We now know that there’s no sense waiting for COVID-19 to take a bow and exit gracefully. In the spirit of setting some resolutions for 2022, here are five […]

A Beginner’s Introduction to starting out with Scala

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scala_(programming_language)   Index 1) Introduction 2) Installation 3) Writing code with Scala What is Scala? Scala is a high-level language that combines the paradigms of both functional and object-oriented programming, which makes it powerful. It is used by tech giants like Netflix, Twitter, and […]

The post A Beginner’s Introduction to starting out with Scala appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

Elon Musk posts sharpest response yet after Biden praises GM’s EV efforts again

Elon Musk has posted what could very well be his cheekiest response yet to US President Joe Biden. Musk’s sharp comments came after the US President’s official Twitter handle posted a video featuring GM CEO Mary Barra and the veteran automaker’s EV plans. The US President’s post stated that GM and Ford are “building more […]

The post Elon Musk posts sharpest response yet after Biden praises GM’s EV efforts again appeared first on TESLARATI.

Guide To Getting Started in Zenith: The Last City VR MMO

Zenith: The Last City is a cross-platform MMORPG available now for VR platforms including Oculus Quest, PC VR and PSVR! Check out our short guide to Zenith so you can get battle-ready and on the path to max level! #ad

Named Entity Recognition App using Spacy, Gradio, and Hugging face Spaces

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Introduction Named Entity Recognition(NER) is a subtask of information extraction that locates and classifies different entities like name, organization, person, etc., in a sentence. Usually, it is done to classify named entities mentioned in unstructured text into predefined categories. Named Entity Recognition(NER) has many […]

The post Named Entity Recognition App using Spacy, Gradio, and Hugging face Spaces appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

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