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Tag: espionage

‘SneakyChef’ APT Slices Up Foreign Affairs With SugarGh0st

A Chinese-language advanced persistent threat (APT) has been spying on government ministries across the eastern hemisphere.The first signs of it date back to late...

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Asia Pacific’s Cyber Insurance Growth Project to Triple Next Year – Fintech Singapore

Asia-Pacific (APAC) is one of the fastest-growing regions for cyber insurance, according to a S&P Global survey. Over the past five years, the region’s...

CISO Corner: Federal Cyber Deadlines Loom; Private Chatbot Danger

Welcome to CISO Corner, Dark Reading's weekly digest of articles tailored specifically to security operations readers and security leaders. Every week, we offer articles...

North Korea Sends 260 Balloons Filled With Faecal Matter to South Korea

Over 260 North Korean balloons filled with faeces and various waste were sent over the border all over South Korea. In a bizarre and provocative...

Pakistani ‘Transparent Tribe’ APT Aims for Cross-Platform Impact

A Pakistan-linked cyber-espionage group has pivoted to a wider variety of legitimate software techniques in an attempt to bypass cybersecurity defenses, including targeting Linux...

Navigating the new world disorder: Securing the Czech Republic’s future – ACE (Aerospace Central Europe)

From cyber threats to geopolitical shifts, a deep dive into modern security challenges On Monday, May 27, 2024, I attended the conference “Homeland Security and...

Pakistan-Linked Hackers Deploy Python, Golang, And Rust Malware On Indian Targets

Pakistan-Linked Hackers Deploy Python, Golang, And Rust Malware On Indian Targets Monday, May 27, 2024 by Indian Defence News Pakistani cyber espionage groups, especially Transparent Tribe...

Microsoft’s deal with UAE’s G42 sparks fears over AI exports

Microsoft may end up exporting advanced computer processors, AI model weights, and other key technologies to the Middle East and beyond via the Windows...

What is ATM jackpotting? | Definition from TechTarget

What is ATM jackpotting? ATM jackpotting is the exploitation of physical and software vulnerabilities in automated banking machines that result in the machines dispensing cash....

Biden Bans China-Backed Cryptocurrency Mining Company from Owning Land Near Missile Base in Wyoming – CryptoCurrencyWire

President Joe Biden recently issued an executive order preventing a Chinese-sponsored crypto-mining company from possessing land close to a nuclear missile facility in Wyoming....

Swiss Hotel In Espionage Row: U.S. Fears Chinese Spy Plot Near F-35 Base

A century-old hotel in Unterbach, Switzerland, has become the focus of American intelligence due to its proximity to Meiringen airfield, where the Swiss Air...

ASEAN Should Watch the China-US Cyber Competition More Closely

The United States published its new International Cyberspace & Digital Policy Strategy on May 6. The strategy portrays China as “the broadest, most active,...

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