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Tag: equipment

Trump’s national security adviser out of sight in coronavirus response

Robert O'Brien, Trump's fourth national security adviser, has been conspicuously out of sight in the administration's efforts to fight the coronavirus. Rather than...

Another coronavirus wave will likely hit the US in the fall. Here’s what we can do to stop it

A second round of Covid-19 cases is "inevitable" come fall, the nation's top infectious disease doctor said, as people increasingly try to resume...

U.S. court dismisses New York nurses’ plea for COVID-19 protection

(Reuters) - A U.S. District Court on Friday dismissed a nurse association’s plea against New York state and two hospitals to provide safety...

With little medical knowledge, Raj Nathwani resorted to doing what he did best: collecting and analyzing the data of his father’s vital signs

Death was not an outcome Raj, 55, was willing to accept -- but he knew his father's chances of surviving coronavirus were not...

With little medical knowledge, Raj Nathwani resorted to doing what he did best: collecting and analyzing the data from his father’s vital signs

Death was not an outcome Raj, 55, was willing to accept -- but he knew his father's chances of surviving coronavirus were not...

Americans begin to surface from isolation as states ease clamp-downs

HOUSTON (Reuters) - Americans in about half of U.S. states, led by Texas and Georgia, began emerging on Friday from home confinement while...

Amazon employees say they’re scared to go to work, but they’re not alone — here are 9 big companies facing worker criticism over their...

The coronavirus pandemic has put most of the US on lockdown, but millions of "essential" workers — even outside the healthcare system —...

Digital Literacy Training Can Align Emerging Technologies

Technologies such as AI, 5G and IoT promise organizations enhanced resilience, but digital literacy training is a prerequisite to align them.  Key takeaways: Organizations should...

Meat-processing plants struggle to stay open despite Trump’s executive order

But the order, which gives Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue the power to invoke the Defense Production Act and force companies to keep...

Miner Survivability Post-Halving: A Hash Rate Comparison

The market for selling hash rate in exchange for Bitcoin (BTC) has undergone staggering growth in the epoch since the last halving. There...

Mississippi DOT Starts Work on Highway Construction Project

The Mississippi Department of Transportation recently began a construction project to extend state Route 76 as part of a regional highway development effort....

Georgia businesses reopen, some warily, as U.S. states begin unwinding shutdowns

ATLANTA (Reuters) - Nearly every business in Georgia was free to reopen on Friday after being shut for weeks, in a move closely...

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