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Tag: Environmental Benefits

Getting on with it | Envirotec

A recent panel discussion in Glasgow brought together representives from some of...

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Material gains: Overcoming the recycling challenge with aluminium | Envirotec

To reach Net Zero, manufacturing more products in the UK that contain...

Is the EV Market’s Momentum Slowing?

According to the Bloomberg EV Outlook Report, the global electric vehicle (EV) market in 2024 shows varied progress across different regions and segments. Most...

Private Equity Buys In Renewable Energy Big Time, Almost $15B

The world is rapidly shifting towards clean renewable energy solutions, driven by their immense potential to mitigate climate change and achieve global net zero...

Putting an End to the Trade Digitisation Waiting Game

As we see different industries exploring how digitisation can improve their business practices, it’s particularly exciting to consider how innovative technology can enhance global...

Engie Buys 5 Million Tons of Nature-Based Carbon Credits for Net Zero

Engie, the world’s largest independent power producer, has made a significant commitment to sustainability by pre-ordering 5 million tons of nature-based carbon removals from...

Reducing Environmental Impact in CPG Supply Chains with Smart Transportation Management Software

Environment and CPG businesses go hand in hand considering the major impact caused in today’s time. The Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry is characterized...

How Gold Standard’s Innovative Certification is Paving the Way for Climate Action

In the fight against climate change, effective emission reduction policies are more essential than ever. Gold Standard, the leading Geneva-based nonprofit, drives ambitious climate...

Future of Food: Four Myths About Vertical Farming Debunked by an Expert

Vertical farms look high-tech and sophisticated, but the premise is simple—plants are grown without soil, with their roots in a solution containing nutrients. This...

What makes DGB’s reforestation projects unique?

Forests are among the most vital resources on our planet, providing essential benefits that support life on Earth. They generate clean air and water,...

The carbon-neutral future of commercial real estate

Worldwide, buildings are responsible for 37% of global carbon emissions and 34% of energy demand. This significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions highlights the...

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