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Tag: Enterprise

The Weave – enterprise blockchain platform for a better healthcare experience

In this article we discuss shortfalls of the current healthcare information experience, and an evolutionary solution. Once we explain that solution, we’ll walk...

The 5 main ways to make tax efficient investments in the UK

There are many reasons why investors in the UK decide to support businesses in their growth plans, be this exclusively philanthropic for the...

Legacy Cybersecurity Solutions Are Broken: Here’s Why

Reading Time: 5 minutesToday’s businesses are spending more than ever before on cybersecurity solutions. But, all this spending is doing little to curtail...

How nonprofits can build own community from scratch and attract new donors

In the nonprofit sector, we all want people to care about our cause. That’s why community is the magic ingredient when it comes...

Don’t Miss the Blockchain & AI Festival for Enterprise, Blockchain Eventon; Save the Date December 6 ,2019 – CryptoNewsZ

Our previous events of Blockchain Eventon were a stellar success as we attracted some of the top reputed names in our participation list...

Lights, camera, captions: the making of Unbabel Video

As audiences and the content they consume have become more international, subtitles have become an essential part of good user experience. 80% of...

ALTEN Calsoft in Partnership With Clinlogix Launches Blockchain for Clinical Trials

SANTA CLARA, California, July 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — ALTEN Calsoft Labs, a leading Enterprise Digital Transformation solutions and Engineering R&D services company, has launched –...

Growth and income: which tax efficient investment strategy is best for you?

How can you assemble an investment portfolio that meets your needs and maximises tax efficiencies? The approach you have to investing will always be...

How to know if a company using blockchain is all hype or the next big thing

After a 2018 lull, blockchain has returned to the public consciousness in force recently thanks in part to Bitcoin’s bull run and Facebook’s announcement regarding GlobalCoin. In this environment, it’s trendy to work on blockchain. What I’m noticing with a lot of projects, though, is plenty of hype and little substance. The reality is that […]

The post How to know if a company using blockchain is all hype or the next big thing appeared first on CryptoNewsReview.

“Institutions have Arrived:” Who, What, and Why

Reading Time: 7 minutes 2019 is the year we can finally say “institutions have arrived,” in the blockchain / crypto industry and in a big way. Despite being a commonly cited catalyst within the crypto space, progress has felt slow. After all, these are large organizations with significant value at risk, so they want to be careful and deliberate […]

Unlisted and listed tax efficient investments: what’s the difference?

Throughout our series of blogs and guides, we have talked about tax efficient investing and ways to offset taxable income. With various options available,...

5 Unexpected Challenges Faced By Distributed Teams & How to Fix Them

All of a sudden, distributed teams (remote workers) are more than just an oddity. They’re a workplace force to be reckoned with.According to...

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