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Huobi x FLOW | AMA Recap

Read the overview of the recent AMA with FLOW Blockchain!

The Legal Liability of A TITLE III Funding Portal

In this blog post I summarized the potential legal liability of issuers raising capital using Title II Crowdfunding (aka Rule 506(c)), Title III Crowdfunding (aka Reg CF), and Title IV Crowdfunding (aka Regulation A). Here, I’ll summarize the potential legal liability of a registered Title III funding portal. To start, let’s distinguish between two kinds …

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Australian Settlements Limited & Meawallet

  MeaWallet and Australian Settlements Limited partner up to bring eftpos digital payment technology to the Australian Mutual and Customer...

Australian Settlements Limited & Meawallet

MeaWallet and Australian Settlements Limited partner up to bring eftpos digital payment technology to the Australian Mutual and Customer Owned Banking Sector Australian Settlements...

The Livestream Q&A Kickstarter Engagement Strategy

Looking for something to do during your Kickstarter campaign to engage your backers and bring some new ones onboard your campaign? Then look no further than the Livestream Q&A! In this podcast, Tyler will break this strategy down step-by-step!

The Leading Firms for Australian Patent Filings in Financial Year 2021

The Leading Firms for Australian Patent Filings in Financial Year 2021

Top of the chartIt is common to summarise patent filing numbers over calendar years – back in January I reported on various filing statistics for 2020, and IP Australia did likewise in April.  For most Australian businesses, however – including patent attorney firms – the more important reporting period is the financial year ending on the 30th of June.  It is therefore interesting to look at patent filing numbers over the 12 month period commencing at the beginning of July, overall and for individual firms.  In this article I will report on filing performance in the 2021 financial year (‘FY21’), which ran from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, as compared with the previous (and, to some extent, earlier) financial year.

Surprisingly, despite the global pandemic, and a decline in filings over the 2020 calendar year, the number of Australian standard patent applications filed in FY21 grew by 3.6% over FY20, largely due to a very strong first six months of 2021.  Innovation patent applications surged ridiculously, to more than three times their numbers in FY20, for reasons that have nothing to do with either the pandemic, or a genuine interest by most applicants in obtaining enforceable rights.  Unfortunately for the health of the Australian innovation ecosystem (and the patent attorneys that support it), filings of new provisional applications declined by nearly 5% in FY21.

The leading firms for patent filings in FY21 were mostly the well-known names you would expect to see, although a couple of smaller firms have slipped into the top 20 on the strength of large numbers of innovation patent filings, primarily made on behalf of Chinese applicants.  The benefit of the growth in standard applications has not been shared equally, with a couple of big name firms experiencing a decline in new filings, while others did much better than the overall 3.6% growth rate.

I have also looked at the numbers of some key prosecution events – namely new examination requests, responses to examination reports, and acceptances – over the past few financial years.  These indicate that the overall prosecution workload increased slightly in FY21, ensuring that patent attorneys (and examiners) were kept busy with the examination of earlier-filed applications, despite the ongoing pandemic.  Strong numbers of examination requests filed in FY21 suggest that this work will continue to flow into, and beyond, the current financial year.

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9 Common Characteristics of Top Shopify Stores

Hosting over one and a half million online stores operating from 175 countries, generating annual transactions worth $60 billion — Shopify has emerged as one of the most popular eCommerce marketplaces in the world. With the range of support services store owners enjoy, the Shopify platform is attractive to many online entrepreneurs. These services include […]

AI, Cheating, and the Future of Work

Machines shouldn't be the only ones that are learning.

The post AI, Cheating, and the Future of Work appeared first on e-Literate.

5 Best Bitcoin Faucets in 2021

If you’re an aspiring Bitcoin investor, you’re probably seeking new ways to increase your crypto holdings. You could consider Bitcoin mining, but that requires a hefty initial investment. If all you can afford is time, Bitcoin faucets are a great option. It’s basically free money – or as close as it gets to it. As they grow in popularity, we see new Bitcoin faucets popping up all the time. Be warned, though. Some of can be unsafe, so making the right choice is crucial. In this article, we’ll talk about five reliable Bitcoin faucets you can try. More About Bitcoin

The post 5 Best Bitcoin Faucets in 2021 first appeared on Bitcoins In Ireland.

The 13 Best Sales Enablement Software & Platforms in 2023

Sales enablement platforms are to feed sales representatives with productive content and give them opportunities to sell.It has become a necessity for sales enablement...

MeaWallet acquires BankLaunch after several partnerships

MeaWallet acquires BankLaunchAfter more than a year in development and several strategic partnerships, BankLaunch platform has been acquired by MeaWallet and will power the upcoming MeaPay product...

Conversational Intelligence: The Next Big Thing In Customer Experience

Conversational AI is the technology that makes human-computer conversations emotionally intelligent, and less scripted. It allows AI-led chatbots to interact with people in a human-like manner, thereby keeping this human-computer interaction as natural as possible, yet high on its emotional quotient. Conversational AI is trained to comprehend and engage in contextual dialogue using Natural Language […]

The post Conversational Intelligence: The Next Big Thing In Customer Experience appeared first on Mantra Labs.

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